Sunday, April 19, 2015

Malachi, Chapter 3, verse 16
16 Then those who fear the LORD spoke with one another, and the LORD listened attentively; a record book was written before him of those who fear the LORD and esteem his name.

The people during the time of the prophet Malachi were perplexed. Why is it that evildoers prosper and even mock God and escape? The prophet is reassuring those who loved the Lord that nothing escapes God and if we have Holy fear and love the Lord we will be taken care of. 

Many of the behaviors of evil people lead directly to success; the biggest liar and manipulator on the sales team will usually be the top salesperson, for example. The evil person develops skill in seeing how to get the optimal outcome in every situation, and is willing to take whatever the actions are to get that most desirable outcome… which is why they so often get there. These people are NOT being blessed, they are reaping the “rewards” of their evil in the same way that a child cheating on a test gets a higher score… this is NOT the work of God, as He NEVER rewards evil.[1]

Image result for prayer of the warriorNo we should not envy evil doers for whatever they gain it is never enough. Nor do they find peace in their hearts for their needs are never satisfied nor their thirst for more ever quenched.

According to the author Michael H. Brown[2] we are in the midst of a war between the forces of good and evil and right now it may seem that they are winning the battle, but they have already lost the war-the war for our souls; which Christ purchased with his death on the cross.  Hallelujah!


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