2 Corinthians,
Chapter 7, Verse 11
For behold what earnestness
this godly sorrow has produced for you, as well as readiness for a defense, and
indignation, and fear, and yearning,
and zeal, and punishment. In every way you have shown yourselves to be innocent
in the matter.
Satan is indeed our
adversary but let us focus on what our Lord tells us.
I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body but after that can do no more. I
shall show you whom to fear. Be afraid of the one who after killing has
the power to cast into Gehenna; yes, I tell you, be afraid of that one. (Luke, Chapter 12, Verse 4-5)
The Masculine Spirit[1]
In America we are gradually seeing the wholesale destruction of the masculine spirit. We are so confused many of us don’t know which bathroom to use. Is this just another attempt by Satan to kill the body as God created it? Men and women need to value themselves and value the beneficial characteristics of masculinity and to reject the false images of being male. Men and women were created to be different. They were created to be in partnership, neither one dominating the other, each using their God-given gifts of gender for the benefit of the other and for the redemption of the world. The spirit of man is action oriented yet at times it is imperative that men to be fully men of God; must borrow from the female spirit the art of reflection. We must become aware of the wounds from our childhood that drive us toward destruction and trap us in unhealthy behavior as adults. We must reflect and learn from our mistakes so we are not doomed to repeat them. As we reflect we can see most men fall into one of four Archetypes—King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover. Archetypes are blueprints, primordial images that affect how we think, feel, and react to life’s situations. A balanced man can be all four simultaneously directing his energy to the problem at hand but problems come when a man gets stuck and becomes trapped in one archetype. Each type has positive and negative characteristics of which a balanced man can tap to be a hero or a villain. (To be continued)
Daily you must be dying to sins to rise to new life in Christ.
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