Sunday, September 4, 2016

Continue in good works and humility.

John 16, Verse 33
I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.”

This was the labor of Christ to give us peace with God and to conquer the world of sin. We have peace in his love. In order to follow our Lord me must not only receive and accept His love but pour that love out on others. We must not keep this love but in courage reach out to others knowing He has already conquered ahead of us. To be great we must be filled with a foundation of Love like Saint Teresa of Calcutta.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta[1]

Mother Teresa of Calcutta, known as the "saint of the gutters" during her life, was declared a saint of the Roman Catholic Church by Pope Francis (September 4, 2016) just 19 years after her death. A Nobel peace laureate, her legacy complements Pope Francis's vision of a humble church that strives to serve the poor, and the festivities in her honor are a highlight of his Holy Year of Mercy, which runs until Nov. 8. Francis said she was a "dispenser of divine mercy" and held world powers to account "for the crimes of poverty they created. For Mother Teresa, mercy was the salt which gave flavor to her work, it was the light which shone in the darkness of the many who no longer had tears to shed for their poverty and suffering. She showed we can't all do everything, but little gestures made with so much love are what's important."


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