Saint's Michael's Lent Day 40

Saint's Michael's Lent Day 40
August 15-Sep 29

Thursday, March 16, 2017

All the peoples of the earth will see that the name of the LORD is proclaimed over you, and they will be afraid of you.

Christ death on the cross was the fulfillment of the proclaiming of God’s name to all the peoples of the world; for over His head was placed a notice: King of the Jews.

It is thought-provoking to contemplate that Pilates notice was printed in three languages Hebrew, Latin and Greek. These three cultures in a sense represented the characteristics of God. The Hebrew’s were Gods people and represented the good of man and brought the idea that the person was created by God and is more valuable than the universe.  Latin the language of the Romans brought the idea that truth is the highest value and the Greeks culture brought the idea of beauty being the greatest value. In Christ’s death is represented all three values. That a good God died for man; true to the end; and His shame was turned by love to beauty.

The Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, also represent these three values Michael the truth that angels and men are willing to fight for; Raphael the good and Gabriel the beauty. On further reflection I can see these same three attributes reflected the preamble of the US constitution: Life (good); Liberty (truth); and pursuit of happiness (beauty).

We can also recognize that the Name of God which is goodness; truth and beauty is feared by evil men and women when they are inspired by Satan and the demons to take away our life, liberty or our pursuit of happiness.

Surely, it is time for Christians to "rise from sleep," and to offer vigorous resistance to the enemies of salvation. The weapons in this conflict are not the arms of civil warfare, but the spiritual weapons of prayer and penance, increased fidelity to the Commandments of God, and frequent reception of the Sacraments. And surely we can choose no better leader in this conflict than the powerful captain who led the faithful Angels to victory.
Let us, then, with confident trust, invoke the aid and the protection of this mighty Archangel whose shield bears the inscription:

"Michael----Quis ut Deus----Who is like unto God?"[1]

Aids in Battle[2] The Word of God useful for our warfare with evil

These biblical passages provide aids in warfare for those who will ponder and act upon the truths they teach us. Recite them as battle cries in the heat of the conflict. Call on Jesus Christ, our Champion when the battle is fierce, turn your eyes to our victorious commander and place your confidence in Him.

·         To this end the Son of God appeared that He might destroy the works of the Devil. 1 Jn 3: 8
·         Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
·         That at the name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in heaven, on earth and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father.
·         Disarming the Principalities and Powers, He displayed them openly, leading them away in triumph by force of [the Cross]. Col 2: 15
·         Now has come the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God

Daily Devotions/Prayers
·         Drops of Christ’s Blood
·         Novena of St. Joseph

West Point was established today in 1802

[2]Thigpen, Paul. Manual for Spiritual Warfare. TAN Books.


Divine Mercy Novena