Sunday, August 6, 2017
This is my beloved Son, with whom
I am well pleased; listen to him." When the disciples heard this, they
fell prostrate and were very much afraid.
Job, Chapter 5, Verse 21-22
21 From the scourge of the tongue you shall be hidden, and you shall not fear approaching ruin. 22 At ruin and want you shall laugh; the
beasts of the earth, do not fear.
Eliphaz appears to be a frenemy.
Frenemies are often supportive and complimentary, sometimes to excess. But deep
down they harbor a ulterior motive – to compete with or humiliate their
Eliphaz is still chatting away. Now he says that
God doles out both good and bad, and that the righteous have nothing to fear
from him.
7 indicators you have a frenemy[2]
1. Constant Attention-Frenemies often crave
intimacy in relationships and want to be your bestie five minutes after
you meet. They ask for a lunch date, friend you on Facebook, and start texting
all in the same day. Friends understand that building a relationship takes
time. Frenemies want to be too close too soon.
2. Over Sharing-Frenemies will tell you
their life’s story, including highly personal details, over your first coffee.
They will volunteer to pick up your kids at school, help with your big project,
or take the check every time you go for lunch. In the back of your mind, you
realize there is an imbalance in the relationship – and you’re right.
The frenemy will expect that attention to be repaid, with interest. Friends
keep some things about their personal life private and allow you to do the
same. Frenemies thrive on relational entanglement.
3. Criticism Given as Humor-Frenemies love
the put down, usually given in front of others. When challenged, they generally
claim it was intended to be lighthearted, opening the door for a second slam.
“Gee, I was only kidding. Some people just can’t take a joke.” Frenemies love
sarcasm, and they are masters of the “Who, me?” expression. Friends may engage
in good-natured ribbing, but they respect your feelings. Frenemies use humor as
a cover for dealing body blows.
4. Left-Handed Compliments-Frenemies are
effusive with praise at the beginning of the relationship but begin to mix it
with mild criticism and, eventually, insults. Don’t mistake this for the
constructive critique of a mentor. Frenemies say things like “That’s
not bad writing, especially for a person with your education,” and “Well look
who’s on time for a meeting. Seriously, I’m glad you could make it.” Friends
dish out unqualified praise and offer criticism gently, privately, and rarely.
Frenemies often mix the two.
5. Digging Up Dirt-Frenemies feed on
negative information and always dig for more. If you say you’re feeling a bit
down, they’ll want to know why. Was it a fight with your spouse? Are you
depressed? Tomorrow, they’ll press further. “How’s it going with your sister,
still not speaking?” At first it will feel good to have someone who remembers
what’s happening in your life and seems to care. In time, you’ll notice that
this is a purely negative exercise and every conversation becomes an
interrogation. Worse, this behavior will be spiritualized with statements like,
“I just want to know how to pray for you.” Friends show concern about your
personal problems but allow you a measure of privacy. Frenemies look for the
sore spot in your life put their finger on it every time.
6. That Nagging Feeling-If you have the
persistent feeling that someone in your relational web cannot be trusted or has
an ulterior motive in seeking your friendship, pay attention – you’re probably
right. Friends disarm your fears over time by proving themselves trustworthy.
Frenemies produce a feeling of apprehension.
7. Sabotage-A frenemy’s goal is not to help
you succeed but to ensure that you fail, or at least feel miserable
in your success. This will eventually take the form of passive-aggressive
resistance or outright sabotage. The frenemy shows up five minutes late on your
big day, signaling to the team that their agenda is more important. The frenemy
will ask you to clarify an embarrassing misstatement in public rather than in
private, saying that they “just want to be sure we’re all hearing the same
thing.” Friends care about you and help you succeed. Frenemies care
about themselves and feel best when you are at your worst.
Feast of the Transfiguration
This is the second
commemoration during the liturgical year of the miracle of the Transfiguration.
(The first, on the second Sunday in Lent, recalls Christ's divinity, while
today emphasizes His triumph and glory.) The transformed Christ rises up above
the mountain. Moses and Elias are at his right and left side. The rays of his
glory touch them as well as the three Apostles present [Peter, James, and
John]. The latter bow down, while St. Peter cried: "Lord, it is a good
thing that we are here. If you wish I will make three tents here, one for you,
one for Moses and one for Elia" (Matthew 17.4). [3]
Matt. xvii. 1-9.[4]
At that
time : Jesus taketh unto Him Peter and James, and John his brother, and
bringeth them up into a high mountain apart: and He was transfigured before
them. And His face did shine as the sun: and His garments became white as snow.
And behold there appeared to them Moses and Elias talking with Him. And Peter,
answering, said to Jesus: Lord, it is good for us to be here: if Thou wilt, let
us make here three tabernacles, one for Thee, and one for Moses, and one for
Elias. And as he was yet speaking, behold a bright cloud overshaded them. And
lo a voice out of the cloud saying: This is My beloved Son, in Whom I arn well
pleased: hear ye Him. And the disciples hearing, fell upon their face: and were
very much afraid. And Jesus came and touched them: and said to them: Arise, and
fear not. And they lifting up their eyes saw no one, but only Jesus. And as
they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying: Tell the vision
to no man, till the
Son of man
be risen from the dead.
Why was Jesus transfigured before His disciples on Mount
1. To give them a manifest proof of His divinity.
2. To prevent all doubt on their part when they should see Him
on Mount Calvary.
3. To encourage all the faithful to patience under agony and
4. To show us how our glorified bodies shall rise from the dead
(i. Cor. xv. 52).
On the threshold of the public life:
the baptism; on the threshold of the Passover: the Transfiguration. Jesus'
baptism proclaimed "the mystery of the first regeneration", namely,
our Baptism; the Transfiguration "is the sacrament of the second
regeneration": our own Resurrection. From now on we share in the Lord's
Resurrection through the Spirit who acts in the sacraments of the Body of
Christ. The Transfiguration gives us a foretaste of Christ's glorious coming,
when he "will change our lowly body to be like his glorious body."
But it also recalls that "it is through many persecutions that we must enter the kingdom of God": Peter
did not yet understand this when he wanted to remain with Christ on the
mountain. It has been reserved for you, Peter, but for after death. For now,
Jesus says: "Go down to toil on earth, to serve on earth, to be scorned
and crucified on earth. Life goes down to be killed; Bread goes down to suffer
hunger; the Way goes down to be exhausted on his journey; the Spring goes down
to suffer thirst; and you refuse to suffer?"
568 Christ's
Transfiguration aims at strengthening the apostles' faith in anticipation of
his Passion: the ascent on to the "high mountain" prepares for the
ascent to Calvary. Christ, Head of the Church, manifests what his Body contains
and radiates in the sacraments: "the hope of glory" (Col 1:27; cf.: St.
Leo the Great, Sermo 51,
3: PL 54, 310C).
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