Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Psalm 3, Verse 7
I do not fear, then,
thousands of people arrayed against me on every side.
This is a psalm of David,
when he fled from his son Absalom who for all intents and purposes wanted him
dead. David is surrounded. God is (hopefully) ready to answer his prayers. David’s
faith is tested because so many say there is no God or that there is no
salvation in God. Yet, David cannot and will not doubt in God who helped him conquer
the giant Goliath. David is confident in the Lord yet his heart breaks because
his own has turned against him. Today remember our Lord who suffered death via
His own. It is when we are at our weakest and our most vulnerable that the Lord
will give protection. David boasts that the Lord will give protection to him
even when he is lying down to sleep. David prays that the Lord, like a warrior,
will defeat the evil that surrounds him. He knows salvation will come without
fail as when he faced Goliath. He builds his confidence in the Lord,
“I do
not fear, then, thousands of people arrayed against me on every side.”[1]
Say this every morning for ten
days and see what happens!
"Moreover, Christians
are born for combat, whereof the greater the vehemence, the more assured, God
willing, the triumph: 'Have confidence; I have overcome the world' (Jn 16:33)." -Pope Leo XIII
Like David we should approach God in humility and reverence with
childlike confidence and love. Thus prepared for prayer we will be pleasing to
God. To give our mind this disposition is the purpose of the preface: "Our
Father, who art in heaven." Hence this preface should be said with
devotion and piety. The seven petitions of the "Our Father" contain
everything a Christian ought and may ask for. But what may and should a
Christian ask for? For all things necessary and serviceable for the proper
fulfilment of his life work. This prayer contains petitions for everything
necessary for the attainment of the last end for which we were created, and
that is, in the first place, the glorification of God, and, in the second
place, our eternal salvation. In the first four petitions Christ teaches us and
commands us to beseech for the things that pertain to this last end, and in the
last three petitions for protection against the things which hinder the
attainment of this end.[2]
Daily Devotions/Prayers
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