Start March 12 to December 12

Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Voting now till November 5-we hope?!

Face of Christ Novena

Face of Christ Novena
Novena of the Holy Face start Wed Oct 23 end on 1st Friday Nov 1st All Saints

40 Days Freedom from the Devil

40 Days Freedom from the Devil
Resist and he will flee-Day 40

Featured Post

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

  Candace’s Corner- Make Recipes with ginger, turmeric, cloves, and cinnamon  ·           Since today is the Feast of St. John Paul II and o...

Monday, October 23, 2017

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Proverbs, Chapter 2, Verse 1-12
1 My son, if you receive my words and treasure my commands 2 Turning your ear to wisdom, inclining your heart to understanding; 3 Yes, if you call for intelligence, and to understanding raise your voice; 4 If you seek her like silver, and like hidden treasures search her out, 5 Then will you understand the fear of the LORD; the knowledge of God you will find; 6 For the LORD gives wisdom, from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; 7 He has success in store for the upright, is the shield of those who walk honestly, 8 Guarding the paths of justice, protecting the way of his faithful ones, 9 Then you will understand what is right and just, what is fair, every good path; 10 For wisdom will enter your heart, knowledge will be at home in your soul, 11 Discretion will watch over you, understanding will guard you; 12 Saving you from the way of the wicked, from those whose speech is perverse.

Wherever your treasure is that is where your heart is and our hearts are made for the Lord.  Fear of the Lord means that we have a father/son relationship of care, respect and love.  Our God does not want to be objectified as some obtainable good.  Nor does our God want to be appeased with our prayers and obedience. God is not a insurance agent that guarantees us against losses if we pay our premiums in prayers.  If God is our treasure, he is our star, our life, our everything. 

In the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium of the Holy Father Francis, he states:

We have a treasure of life and love which cannot deceive, and a message which cannot mislead or disappoint. It penetrates to the depths of our hearts, sustaining and ennobling us. It is a truth which is never out of date because it reaches that part of us which nothing else can reach. Our infinite sadness can only be cured by an infinite love.

I am reminded of the love of Don Quixote in the play “Man from La Mancha”.  If God is our treasure he should be our Impossible Dream because we are His.

United Nations Day[1]
United Nations Day celebrates the anniversary of the ratification of the United Nations Charter which occurred on October 24, 1945. The United Nations is an international organization engaged in the diplomatic and peaceful communication between the countries of the world. The organization oversees issues like human rights, international security, political freedoms and democracy with an end goal of achieving of world peace. The UN Charter was officially signed on June 26th, 1945 but it could not come into existence until the signatory states had ratified it and deposited notification to the effect with the US Department of State. This occurred on October 24th, 1945. The organization's Charter has now been ratified by most countries in the world. The United Nations is a global organization with six official languages, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic. United Nations Day is observed on October 24th each year.

Pray that the UN will be a force for building the kingdom of heaven and not a secular force oppressing the religious rights of the people of God.

Daily Devotions
·         Drops of Christ’s Blood
·         St. Jude Novena Day 6

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