1 Maccabees, Chapter
16, Verse 6
and his people took their position against the enemy. Seeing that his people
were afraid to cross the wadi, John
crossed first. When his men saw this, they crossed over after him.
The narrative is nearing its end. Simon, the last of
the Maccabean brothers to rule over the Jewish people, is getting too old to
lead the troops into battle. He passes on the military leadership to his sons
Judas and John, who like a true leader leads from the front. He is the first to
step into danger.[1]
Even in our present day we
can see similarities in our own heroes and villains. What should we take away
from this book? The contest described in this book is a struggle, not simply
between Jew and Gentile, but between those who would uphold the law and those,
Jews or Gentiles, who would destroy it. The books severest condemnation goes,
not to the Seleucid politicians, but to the lawless apostates from among the
Jewish people, adversaries of Judas and his brothers, who are models of faith
and loyalty.When we enter into the presence of God and start to sense that huge reservoir of fear in us, we want to run away into the many distractions that our busy world offers abundantly.
we should not be afraid of our fears. We can confront them, give words to them,
cry out to God, and lead our fears into the presence of the One who says:
“Don’t be afraid, it is I.”
(Henri Nouwen, Spiritual Direction, 58)
(Henri Nouwen, Spiritual Direction, 58)
9, 2019
Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities, made the
following statement in response to today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing,
Abortion Until Birth: The Need to Pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection
Naumann’s full statement follows:
bill draws the public’s attention to the shameful reality that the United
States is one of only seven nations worldwide that allows the barbaric practice
of late-term abortion, when a child likely feels pain and might even live
outside the womb with appropriate medical assistance. Such abortion procedures
after the middle point of pregnancy also pose serious physical dangers to
women. With the vast majority of Americans strongly supporting a ban on
late-term abortions, it is time for Congress to pass this bill. I also pray
that consideration of this bill moves our country closer to recognizing all
unborn babies as legal persons worthy of our love and respect.”
“Honor your father and your mother, so
that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.”
-Ex 20:12
-Ex 20:12
Daily Devotions
Collegeville Bible Commentary, 1986.
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