Lamentations is an age-old book that tries to answer age-old questions—why do bad things happen? How do you cope with tragedy? How can you express your suffering to God and to other people?
Why Should I Care?
MAY 17 Sixth Sunday
after Easter
You drew near on the day I called
you; you said, “Do not FEAR!”
This chapter[2]
is focused less on the destruction of Jerusalem and more on the suffering of an
individual. The identity of the individual is never given. The figure of the
sufferer makes concrete the pain of the people and gives way to a communal
voice to suffering.
Poet has seen all this awful stuff with his own eyes. He's personally
experienced it, too. We sense he's speaking on behalf of all Judah.
us. The Poet knows what God's wrath is. God has abandoned him in times of
trouble and left him to find his way out in the dark. God has also filled the Poet's heart with
bitterness and then trapped him there like a prisoner.
Poet cried out for God to help him, but the Big Guy wouldn't listen. God
ignored his prayer requests and returned all his fan mail, too. Stone cold.
was like a lion pacing outside of the Poet's prison cell. He was just waiting
to tear the Poet to pieces as soon as he stuck his head out. Or maybe he was
like an archer just itching to use the Poet as target practice. The poor Poet!
Poor Jerusalem!
Keeping the Faith
even in all this misery and horribleness, the Poet doesn't lose heart. Really?
Yup. He just remembers one really important thing—God can't stay mad at him
forever. That's right. God is loving. God is merciful. So, at some point he's
gonna have to come around and start helping the Poet again, right? Every
morning the Poet wakes up is a chance for him to renew his relationship with
God. If he has patience, God will be good to him in the end.
if in the meantime God asks him to go through a couple of trials (like watching
his city be destroyed, his friends and family murdered, and his children starve
to death) then he'll deal with it. Sure, God causes all kinds of trouble for
people, but he's also compassionate.
in any case, it's not like God enjoys making all this bad stuff happen. His
heart's just not in it. When there's evil stuff happening in the world—God sees
it and takes copious notes for later. But no one can do anything—good or
bad—unless God says it's okay. Everything comes from God. You can't complain
when God is just giving you what you deserve, right?
why the people of Judah need to take a good look at themselves and return to
God. They were sinful and disobedient, so he got angry and destroyed them. He
ignored their prayers, left them for dead, and watched as their enemies crushed
them. Note: this is not an overreaction. Judah's enemies have hunted him down
and captured him for no good reason. But luckily, when he complained to God
about it, God heard him.
told the Poet not to be afraid. He said he would help him and make things
better. Now, all the Poet wants is for God to right the wrongs that have been
done to him. God saw all the horrible things these enemies have done. Now, all
he has to do is smite the heck out of them. It's payback time, God. Get angry.
Curse them. Destroy the Poet's enemies because they've done so many awful
things. Come on. You know you want to. They never were your special people.
the eye of the LORD is upon those who fear him, upon those who count on his
mercy, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive through
famine.” (Ps. 33:18-19)
Everyone deserves to experience some unconditional love,
and many go to great lengths to find it and do not. We were created for love
but not earthly love. Earthly love is but a foretaste of the love God has for
you. Today love someone with no conditions; just love them. For love alone
holds the secret to life. There is hope in the midst of calamity.
love someone is to desire that person's good, AND to take effective steps to
secure it"- Benedict
Sunday is a preparation for the feast of Pentecost. At the Introit of the Mass,
the Church sings: “Hear, O Lord, my voice, with which I have cried to Thee,
alleluia. My heart hath said to Thee, I have sought Thy face; Thy face, Lord,
will I seek; turn not away Thy face from me, alleluia, alleluia. The Lord is my
light and my salvation, whom shall, I fear?
Prayer. O almighty and everlasting God
grant us ever to entertain a devout affection towards Thee, and to serve Thy
majesty with a sincere heart.
EPISTLE, i. Peter iv. 7-11.
Beloved: Be prudent, and watch in prayers. But before all things have a
constant mutual charity among yourselves; for charity covereth a multitude of
sins. Using hospitality one towards another without murmuring. As every man
hath received grace, ministering the same to one another, as good stewards of
the manifold grace of God. If any man speaks, let him speak as the words of
God. If any man minister, let him do it as of the power which God
administereth: that in all things God may be honored through Jesus Christ our
Practice. The virtues here recommended are
excellent preparatives for receiving the Holy Ghost, for nothing makes us more
worthy of His grace than temperance, prayer, charity, unity, and hospitality towards
our neighbors. Endeavor, therefore, to exercise these virtues, and every day
during the following week pray fervently to the Holy Ghost for help in your
GOSPEL. John xv. 26, 27; xvi. 1-4.
What kind of sin is scandal? It is a frightful sin. By it
countless sins are occasioned, thousands of souls are carried to perdition,
while the loving design of God for the salvation of men is frustrated.
How, in general, is scandal given? By saying, doing, neglecting to do
something which becomes the occasion of sin to another.
When do parents give scandal? When they set a bad example to
their children. When they do not correct them for doing wrong, or neglect to
keep them from what is bad and to teach them that which is good.
How do employers give scandal? In much the same way that parents
give scandal to their children: when, by bad example or by command, they keep
their servants or other employees from divine service, or neglect to make them
attend it. When they themselves use, or give to others, flesh-meat on days of
abstinence. When they order the commission of sin.
It is only a few weeks since Good Friday
when we commemorated the agonizing death of Christ on Mount Calvary. This was
an excruciating, shameful death even for hardened criminals who deserved it.
But for our loving Savior, the innocent lamb of God, one who had never offended
God or neighbor, it was something of which the whole human race should be
ashamed forever. What caused Christ that torment and death on the cross was our
sins, the sins of all mankind and not the spite and hatred of his Jewish
opponents, who were only instruments in the tragedy. Atonement had to be made
to God for the sins of the world, so that men could reach the eternal
inheritance which the incarnation made available to them. However, not all the
acts of the entire human race could make a sufficient atonement to God. A
sacrifice, an expiation of infinite value was needed. The death of the Son of
God in his human nature was alone capable of making such an expiation. That
Christ willingly accepted crucifixion for our sakes, that he gave the greatest
proof of love which the world has ever known, by laying down his life for his
friends, did not make his sufferings any less, did not ease any of the pains of
Calvary. His agony in the Garden before his arrest shows this: he foresaw all
the tortures and pains which he was to undergo and sweated blood at the thought
of what awaited him. But he was to keep his Father's commandment "not my
will but thine be done." We Christians must have hearts of stone, hearts
devoid of all sense of gratitude, when we forget what Christ has done for us
and deliberately offend him! Alas, this is what all of us do sometimes, and
many of us do all the time. Christ died to bring us to heaven, but we tell him,
by our sins, that he was wasting his time. We do not want to go to heaven, we
are making our happiness here! How far can human ingratitude and thanklessness
Christ told us, through the disciples on
Holy Thursday night, that he had made us his friends, his intimates. We are no
longer servants in the household, who merely earn their daily wage and have no
intimacy with the family and no hope of ever sharing in the family possessions.
Instead, we have been adopted into the family by Christ becoming man, we have
been guaranteed all the rights of children intimacy with the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit and the future sharing in the eternal happiness of that divine
household. Christ's incarnation made us God's children, Christ's death on the
cross removed sin. Sin is the one obstacle that could prevent us reaching our
eternal inheritance. Because God gave us a free will we can in a moment of
folly, a moment of madness really, deprive ourselves of the privileges and
possessions which Christ has made available to us. We can choose to exchange an
eternity of happiness for a few fleeting years of self-indulgence on earth. We
can fling Christ's gift of love back in his face and tell him we don't want it.
God forbid that we should ever act like this, that we should ever forget God's
purpose in creating us. It is a marvelous thing to be alive, if we have hope in
a future life. If nothing awaited us but the grave, then to live on this earth,
which is a valley of sorrow and tears for the vast majority, would be the
cruelest of jests. But of this we need have no fear. Life on earth is but a
short prelude to our real existence. If we use this brief period as Christ has
told us how to use it, death for us will be the passage into the eternal
mansions. Be grateful to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; love the Blessed
Trinity; prove your love by loving your fellowmen. By doing this you are
fulfilling the whole law and the prophets; and you are assuring yourself of the
place in heaven which Christ has won for you.
from The Sunday Readings by Fr. Kevin O'Sullivan, O.F.M.
Memorial Day Build Up
Every day from now to
Memorial Day I ask your prayers for each service and all of our defenders to
include police and fire on Memorial Day.
Prayer for Troops[7]
For our President and Commander-In-Chief, and our political and military leaders that they may tirelessly seek peaceful settlements to international disputes; we pray to the Lord:
Through the Darkness Bring Us to
the Light.
Through the Darkness Bring Us to
the Light.
Through the Darkness Bring Us to
the Light.
Through the Darkness Bring Us to
the Light.
Through the Darkness Bring Us to
the Light.
Through the Darkness Bring Us to
the Light.
Through the Darkness Bring Us to
the Light.
Through the Darkness Bring Us to
the Light.
Through the Darkness Bring Us to
the Light.
Lord God, Almighty Father, creator of mankind and author of peace, as we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess, we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces. Give them courage, hope and strength. May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love and compassionate healing. Be their power and protector, leading them from darkness to light. To you be all glory, honor and praise, now and forever. Amen.
Real Men ask God
what they should do[8]
Today in honor of the Holy Trinity do the Divine Office giving
your day to God. To honor God REST: no shopping after SUNSET ON SATURDAY till
Monday. Don’t forget the internet.
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