Zephaniah, Chapter 3,
verse 7
said, “Surely now you will FEAR me, you will accept correction; They
cannot fail to see all I have brought upon them.” Yet the more eagerly they
have done all their corrupt deeds.
Zephaniah writes of the wickedness of Jerusalem and God’s desire for its leaders to accept His correction in the end it takes the act of God to set the world right. The prophet calls for the people of Judah to change their hearts for real change begins in the heart. Transformation happens from the inside out. John Maxwell[1] recommends we practice the following to enhance our own leadership:
in the areas of your strength.
We are most intuitive in the areas of our gifts and interests.
the opportunities in front of you.
Our intuition comes most alive when we size up the options near us.
root causes for the issues you face.
Work to get past superficial answers and solve root issues.
past successes.
Study your victories and see if you find a pattern that reveals how you won
to your gut.
Effective leaders lead from their soul. Both your heart and your head have
Cernui – Down in Adoration Falling
of The Most
Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix,
to Priests, Deacons, Religious and the Lay Faithful of the Diocese of Phoenix
on the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Part II
I. The Graces of Holy Communion
ii. We become “One Body and One
Spirit in Christ”
43. The “re-education camp”
divided the prisoners into groups of fifty who slept on the floor as their bed.
Each man had a foot and a half wide space. Of the fifty prisoners with Cardinal
Van Thuan, only five others were Christians. With the cooperation of the non-Christian
prisoners, they made arrangements so that at night they would be near each
other. When lights went out at 9:30, then he quietly said Mass and distributed
Communion to the Catholics. He kept one consecrated Host always in his shirt
pocket. During the night, the prisoners took turns for adoration. During the
day, even amid the cruelty of prison life, Cardinal Van Thuan and the few
Christians focused their attention on Jesus. For them, Jesus in the Eucharist
became a true companion. As a result of the Eucharistic presence that was
clandestinely introduced into the prison camp, the Christian prisoners regained
the fervor of their faith during those difficult times and even other
non-Christians converted to the faith. The strength of Jesus’ love in the
Eucharist is irresistible. The silent presence of Jesus in the Eucharist
brought consolation to those who suffered, strength to a weakened faith and
especially a fortified bond of unity among them.
44. How much we need the
Eucharist in our world today! We are also struggling through a challenging
time. We are emerging from a pandemic that has crippled many with FEAR
and left much suffering in its wake. Throughout this time, we have also
experienced great division within our country and even within our Church. A
tangible and rapid decline of our culture produces empty noise and vain
pleasures that drown out God’s invitation to enter into a loving relationship
with Him.
45. What can we do to bring
peace, justice and love to a world that is starving for God and His love? By
ourselves, we can do nothing. But, in the Eucharist, God Himself is our
nourishment and strength. We cannot transform our lives nor change the world
with our own strength alone. The Eucharist as a Sacrament of communion and love
motivates us inwardly to work tirelessly towards reconciliation and the
restoration of justice; to work together to restore respect for the dignity of
all men and women made in the image and likeness of God.
To be continued…
Feast of the Visitation of Mary[3]
THIS day is called the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, because
on it Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth, whom, as the angel had told her, God
had blessed with a son in her old age. In the Introit of the Mass the Church
sings: “Hail, holy parent, who didst bring forth the King Who rules heaven and earth
forever. My heart hath uttered a good word; I speak of my works for the King.”
Prayer. Vouchsafe, O Lord, we beseech Thee,
unto us Thy servants the gift of Thy heavenly grace, that, as in the childbirth
of the Blessed Virgin our salvation began, so from the votive solemnity of her
visitation we may obtain an increase of peace. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ,
etc. Amen.
EPISTLE. Cant. ii. 8-14.
Behold I cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping over the hills.
My beloved is like a roe or a young hart; behold he standeth behind our wall,
looking through the windows, looking through the lattices. Behold my beloved
speaketh to me: Arise, make haste, my love, my dove, my beautiful one, and
come. For winter is now past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers have
appeared in our land, the time of pruning is come: the voice of the turtle is
heard in our land: the fig-tree hath put forth her green figs: the vines in
flower yield their sweet smell. Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come: my
dove in the cliffs of the rock, in the hollow places of the wall, show me thy
face, let thy voice sound in my ears: for thy voice is sweet, and thy face
GOSPEL. Luke i. 39-47.
At that time:
Mary rising up went into the hill-country with haste, into a city of Juda: and
she entered into the house of Zachary, and saluted Elizabeth. And it came to
pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in
her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: and she cried out with
a loud voice and said: Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the Mother of my Lord should come
to me?
For behold,
as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my
womb leaped for joy. And blessed art thou that hast believed, because those
things shall be accomplished that were spoken to thee by the Lord. And Mary said:
My soul doth magnify the Lord; and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.
1. As soon as Mary heard that Elizabeth was with child, she hastened
to her. The alacrity of the Blessed Virgin teaches us that we should take part
with gladness in the happiness of our fellowmen, and quickly make ourselves
ready to discharge our duties, sacrificing for that object, if necessary, even
our own much-loved retirement, our devotions and other exercises of piety.
2. Mary visited her cousin out of real love, not out of unmeaning
ceremony. Would that her example were followed in our visits!
3. By the visit of the Blessed Virgin
John was sanctified in his mother’s womb, and Elizabeth, enlightened by the
Holy Ghost, knew, by the miraculous movements of her child, that Mary was the
Mother of the Lord. Such effects did this visit produce. What would Jesus
effect in us if we received Him with due preparation!
In this hymn Mary with joy praises God, the Lord, that He has
regarded her humility, and made her to be the Mother of His only begotten Son,
wherefore she should be called blessed by all generations; and she declares the
truths and mysteries which the incarnation brought to light. The mercy of God,
namely, reaches from generation to generation to them that FEAR Him. He
scatters the thoughts of the proud, and puts down from their seats the mighty;
but He exalts the humble. He fills those who hunger for justice with good
things, but those who think themselves rich He sends away empty. He receives
all true Israelites, and performs in them the promises which He gave to the
fathers. This hymn is repeated by the Church every day at Vespers, in praise of
the work of redemption, begun by the incarnation of the Son of God in Mary.
Would that every Christian, since he becomes one only by Christ being, as it
were, born in him, might share those feelings which the Blessed Virgin and
Mother has expressed in this hymn of praise, and, with the Church, daily praise
God for the mystery of the incarnation!
Aspiration. O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the
living God, Who didst descend from the highest heavens to the womb of the
Virgin Mary, didst therein rest for nine months, and with her didst condescend
to visit and sanctify St. John, grant that we, by the practice of good works,
particularly of humility, may become partakers of the fruits of Thy
Things to Do[4]
- Read
Luke 1:39-47, the story of the Visitation. Read and meditate on the words
of the Magnificat and the Hail Mary, two prayers from this feast. For those
with children, depending on the ages, assign memorization for these
prayers. Also discuss the meaning of the text as a family.
- This
feast reminds us to be charitable to our neighbors. Try to assist some
mother (expectant or otherwise), visit the elderly or sick, make a dinner
for someone, etc.
No Tobacco Day[5]
World No Tobacco Day serves to generate awareness about the health risks of tobacco use and to advocate for more effective policies that can help reduce worldwide tobacco use.
World No Tobacco Day Top Events and
Things to Do
about your health. Quit smoking or encourage others to do so. Many help books
are available online to coach you through the withdrawal and help you find
alternative solutions to the cravings.
and teenagers in your neighborhood about the negative effects of smoking and
encourage them to quit if they have already picked up the habit. The best way
to eradicate smoking is by educating the new generation of the negative effects
of tobacco use.
for the Freedom from Smoking program or another like program that helps smokers
a movie or documentary about smoking and tobacco. Our favorites: The Tobacco
Conspiracy, We Love Cigarettes and Passion for Cigarettes.
for stricter tobacco advertisement laws and smoking laws in your community.
Tobacco companies continue to be pressured legally to disclose the negative
effects of their product and your help in supporting this legal action can lead
to even stricter laws.
of the Catholic Church
748 "Christ is the light of
humanity; and it is, accordingly, the heart-felt desire of this sacred Council,
being gathered together in the Holy Spirit, that, by proclaiming his Gospel to
every creature, it may bring to all men that light of Christ which shines out
visibly from the Church." These words open the Second Vatican
Council's Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. By choosing this starting point,
the Council demonstrates that the article of faith about the Church depends
entirely on the articles concerning Christ Jesus. the Church has no other light
than Christ's; according to a favorite image of the Church Fathers, the Church
is like the moon, all its light reflected from the sun.
749 The article concerning the
Church also depends entirely on the article about the Holy Spirit, which
immediately precedes it. "Indeed, having shown that the Spirit is the
source and giver of all holiness, we now confess that it is he who has endowed
the Church with holiness." The Church is, in a phrase used by the
Fathers, the place "where the Spirit flourishes."
750 To believe that the Church is
"holy" and "catholic," and that she is "one" and
"apostolic" (as the Nicene Creed adds), is inseparable from belief in
God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In the Apostles' Creed we
profess "one Holy Church" (Credo . . . Ecclesiam), and not to believe
in the Church, so as not to confuse God with his works and to attribute clearly
to God's goodness all the gifts he has bestowed on his Church.
Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them
in fasting: An End
to Addictions
· Make
reparations to the Holy Face-Tuesday Devotion
· Pray Day 9
of the Novena for our Pope and Bishops
· Tuesday:
Litany of St. Michael the Archangel
Litany of the Most Precious
Blood of Jesus
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
· Rosary
fills our life with joy and refreshment. Songbirds and birds of prey, squirrels
and rabbits, butterflies and lightning bugs all carry a message worth
discovering in early summer. Do we see and hear them, or do we overlook them,
even despise them? Are they simply an annoyance, or do we come to know, love,
and even serve these fellow creatures by providing protection and habitat?
June: The Sacred Heart of Jesus – The Sacred Heart of Jesus
is the revelation of God’s immense love for us. It is often depicted as a fiery
furnace, pierced and broken, but beating with love. The Sacred Heart is also a
profound reminder of the humanity of our Lord, for his heart is not a mere
symbol, but a true physical reality.
Overview of June[6]
The month of June is dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus. This month falls within the liturgical season of Ordinary Time, which is represented by the liturgical color green. This symbol of hope is the color of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven, especially the hope of a glorious resurrection. It is used in the offices and Masses of Ordinary Time.
Appropriately June is considered the month for weddings where human
hearts join and cooperate with the Creator in bringing forth new life. The
family they create is a human reflection of the Blessed Trinity.
Pentecost, the Church begins her slow descent from the great peaks of the
Easter Season to the verdant pastures of Ordinary Time, the longest of the
liturgical seasons. Like the lush June growth all around us, the green of the
liturgical season points to the new life won for us by the Redemption of Jesus
Christ, the new life of Charity. For Our Lord came to cast the fire of His love
on the earth, and to that end, sent His Holy Spirit at Pentecost in the form of
tongues of fire. Ordinary Time is the hour to “go out to all the world and tell
the good news.” The feasts of June highlight this expansion of the Church. At
least ten times, the Church vests in the red of the martyrs whose blood is the
very seed of her growth. She also celebrates the feasts of the apostles Peter
and Paul, and the birth of St. John the Baptist, proto-disciple and prophet. We
too are called to be witnesses like the apostles and martyrs. May the Heart of
Jesus inflame our hearts so that we may be worthy of our Baptismal call to
holiness. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Picchu Explore the incredible Inca
ruins of Peru’s Machu Picchu, often called “Lost city of the Incas.” Take
an adventurous climb to see the Temple of Condor and Sun Gate -- the end point
for the Inca Trail. Visit in June to take advantage of the dry season and to
avoid the heavy crowds in July and August.
· Whale Watching, Stellwagen Bank—May thru October-- Did winter come and go without you getting a chance to see whales? There’s still time: Between May and September, more than 400 orcas swim in the waters around Canada’s Vancouver Island. Or head to the Azores, the Portuguese archipelago about 1,000 miles from Lisbon, where sperm whales gather from May to October. Closer to home, Stellwagen Bank, a submerged sandbank between Cape Cod and Cape Ann in Massachusetts, attracts the endangered North Atlantic right whale to its waters.
· Dragon Boat Races—June 3-5--Visit Hong Kong to experience the excitement of the Duanwu Festival, celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar. The festival includes dragon boat races in Aberdeen -- one of the first places to host these races in Hong Kong. Fishermen believe that rowing dragon boats during the Duanwu Festival will bring them luck.
· Sonoma County Hot Air Balloon Classic--June 4-5--Soar to new heights in California’s beautiful Wine Country in this two-day event in Windsor, California. On Saturday and Sunday, set your alarm clock early to make sure you’re awake to catch approximately 30 colorful balloons launch around 6:30am.
· Chicago Blues Festival-June 9-12-Chicago is the place to visit in June, especially if you’re a fan of the blues. The Chicago Blues Festival is the largest free blues music festival in the world. Over three days, more than 500,000 people converge on Grant Park to hear well-renown performers perform on the festival’s five stages.
· Bonnaroo
Music and Arts Festival—June 16-19--From indie rock to reggae,
the Bonnaroo
Music and Arts Festival in Manchester, Tennessee, draws
thousands of fans every year. Previous notable acts include Bob Dylan, Arcade
Fire, Bruce Springsteen, Jay-Z, The Beach Boys and The White Stripes. During
this four-day music festival, bands, rappers, musicians and singers perform
from around noon until 4 a.m. or later at Great Stage Park, which is located on
a 700-acre farm.
Father's Day June 19 Don’t forget about Dad this month.
Spend some extra time with your father figure by planning a trip to go fly
fishing, rock climbing or skydiving. For a getaway minus the adrenaline-pumping
thrills, we have a few Father’s Day travel ideas like a brewery tour in
Portland, Oregon, or game of golf in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Iceman’s Calendar
June 1st MASS First
June 2nd Orthodox
June 3rd MASS First
June 4th MASS First
June 5th MASS Pentecost
June 6th D-Day,
June 8th Ember
June 10th Ember
· June
11th Ember
June 12th Trinity
June 14th Flag Day
June 19th Corpus
June 23rd Suppressed Feast
of John the Baptist
June 24th Sacred
Heart of Jesus
June 25th Immaculate
Heart of Mary
June 26th Third
Sunday after Pentecost
June 29th Feast of St’s Peter
and Paul
o Start
Holy Face
[1] John Maxwell, The Maxwell
Leadership Bible.
[3]Goffine’s Devout Instructions, 1896
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