Friday, November 1, 2024

Another Pagan Holiday


 NIC’s Corner


No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it. (1 Cor. 10:13)

 ·         How to celebrate Nov 1st

o   If you want a day filled with flavor and creativity, why not start with cooking for your furry friends? Celebrate their joy on National Cook For Your Pets Day by preparing homemade treats.

§  Then, channel your literary side for National Authors’ Day. Write a short story about a pet grooming adventure, using a fountain pen in honor of Fountain Pen Day.

·         After a literary adventure, it’s time to brush up on your family’s literacy skills for National Family Literacy Day. Gather everyone around for a reading session or a game that involves words.

o   For a savory break, indulge in some pâté on National Pâté Day.

§  If you’re feeling more hands-on, try your hand at making deep-fried clams for National Deep Fried Clams Day. Don’t fret about making a mess; it’s all about the fun!

·         Next, switch gears and explore the vegan lifestyle in celebration of World Vegan Day. Try creating a vegan calzone to enjoy a plant-based meal.

o   To add a touch of culture, learn about Kannada Rajyotsava or Haryana Day. Dive into their history and traditions with online resources or documentaries.

§  As the day winds down, light a scented candle to set a cozy atmosphere and unwind.

·         Complete your celebration by going the extra mile for someone on Extra Mile Day. Send a heartfelt message to express your appreciation.

o   Finally, take a moment to acknowledge the prime meridian’s significance on Prime Meridian Day.

§  Create a small art project with jersey-inspired designs to commemorate National Jersey Day.

·         Reflect on the importance of being organized and coordinated on National Biologic Coordinators Day. Finish your day by treating yourself to a relaxing gumboot walk while contemplating your day of festivities.


The Thanksgiving meal is a ritual. Whether we are from rural or urban backgrounds, we know the harvest time passes and the year draws to an end. Giving thanks to God is Eucharist, a heavenly banquet and the foretaste of things to come. We are not worthy receivers of this sacrament without the haunting knowledge of the poor nutrition for many in our country and famine in other countries.

Highlights of November[1] 

The month of November is dedicated to the Souls in Purgatory, whose feast is celebrated on November 2. With the exception of the last two days, the entire month of November falls during the liturgical season known as Ordinary Time, which is represented by the liturgical color green. This symbol of hope is the color of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven, especially the hope of a glorious resurrection. It is used in the offices and Masses of Ordinary Time. The last portion of the liturgical year represents the time of our pilgrimage to heaven during which we hope for reward. The last Sunday, which marks the beginning of Advent, the liturgical color changes to purple, representing a time of penance. 

The national holiday (USA) of Thanksgiving also falls on the last Thursday of November. The tradition of eating goose as part of the Martin's Day celebration was kept in Holland even after the Reformation. It was there that the Pilgrims who sailed to the New World in 1620 became familiar with this ancient harvest festival. When, after one year in America, they decided to celebrate a three days' thanksgiving in the autumn of 1621, they went in search of geese for their feast. We know that they also had deer (a present from the Indians), lobsters, oysters, and fish. But Edward Winslow, in his account of the feast, only mentions that "Governor Bradford sent four men on fowling that so we might after a more special manner rejoice together, after we had gathered the fruit of our labors." They actually did find some wild geese, and a number of wild turkeys and ducks as well. The Pilgrim Fathers, therefore, in serving wild turkeys with the geese, inaugurated one of the most cherished American traditions: the turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day. They also drank, according to the ancient European tradition, the first wine of their wild-grape harvest. Pumpkin pie and cranberries were not part of the first Thanksgiving dinner in America but were introduced many years afterward. The second Thanksgiving Day in the New World was held by the Pilgrims two years later, on July 30, 1623. It was formally proclaimed by the governor as a day of prayer to thank God for their deliverance from drought and starvation, and for the safe arrival from Holland of the ship Anne. In 1665 Connecticut proclaimed a solemn day of thanksgiving to be kept annually on the last Wednesday in October. Other New England colonies held occasional and local Thanksgivings at various times. In 1789 the federal Congress authorized and requested President George Washington to proclaim a day of thanksgiving for the whole nation. Washington did this in a message setting aside November 26, 1789, as National Thanksgiving Day. After 1789 the celebration reverted to local and regional observance for almost a hundred years. There grew, however, a strong desire among the majority of the people for a national Thanksgiving Day that would unite all Americans in a festival of gratitude and public acknowledgment for all the blessings God had conferred upon the nation. It was not until October 3, 1863, that this was accomplished, when President Abraham Lincoln issued, in the midst of the Civil War, a Thanksgiving Proclamation. In it the last Thursday of November was set apart for that purpose and made a national holiday. 

Since then, every president has followed Lincoln's example, and annually proclaims as a "Day of Thanksgiving" the fourth Thursday in November. Only President Franklin D. Roosevelt changed the date, in 1939, from the fourth to the third Thursday of November (to extend the time of Christmas sales). This caused so much consternation and protest that in 1941 the traditional date was restored." 

November Travel and Events[2]

Deer Hunting Season

Notorious to some, delectably yummy to others, deer-hunting season begins with a bang -- sorry, Bambi -- come November. That’s because the month is prime deer-mating season: Male bucks are often so distracted by the urge to mate they may not detect the sound of Grandpa Earl’s carbine locking and loading off in the distance. Head to states like Kentucky, New Hampshire and Minnesota for the HUNT. 

Grand Canyon (Arizona)

Take advantage of off-season travel to popular landmarks such as the Grand Canyon. the 1.2-million-acre park sees half its summer crowds. Enjoy cooler temperatures (in the 70s), as well as the deepening colors of aspen, oak and birch trees that adorn this national treasure.


October 29-November 2, The Day of the Dead

Families decorate the graves of loved ONES THROUGHOUT Mexico as part of this annual national holiday. A blend of pre-Columbian and Catholic traditions, Day of the Dead may sound notoriously spooky to outsiders. But to those who celebrate it, the day offers a way to reflect and share in treasured memories of loved ones through acts of commemoration, including making altars.


o    October 30 - November 2, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Visitors are encouraged to paint their tributes on our 26-foot-long remembrance wall. This is an opportunity to remember your loved ones & create something lasting with others. Paints and brushes will be provided on-site with the murals from the previous years on display for your viewing and inspiration. Mural painting will continue daily on the Calle Independence from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. until Saturday, November 2nd, 2024. inspiration.

November 1st & 2nd Breeders' Cup

Wondering where to travel in November? Start by taking in two days of action-packed thoroughbred horse races. The annual Breeders’ Cup World Championship kicks off this month at Keeneland racetrack, Lexington, Kentucky. Better grab your tickets fast, though; attendance is usually much higher than other stake races in North America.

o   Breeders’ Cup Watch Party

o   The Breeders’ Cup is coming to K O’Donnell’s Sports Bar & Grill this Saturday! Do yourself a favor, and instead of wasting time on google trying to find the best place to watch the Breeder’s Cup in Scottsdale, head over to K O’Donnells and enjoy Arizona’s best off-track betting bar. We offer an experience like no other. We have 12 TV’s on-site that are dedicated to OTB along with our other 70+ TVs that will be watching the action. We open early on Saturday morning for Breeders Cup fans to come in and enjoy the east coast races and some brunch.

November 3 NYC Marathon

Lace up your sneakers for the New York City Marathon. More than 50,000 people compete in the world’s largest marathon. Cheer on the participants as they race through the city’s five boroughs and head to the finish line if you’re not competing in the 26-mile run.

November 2-10 San Diego Bay Wine + Food Festival

Notoriously passionate wine and food lovers descend on Southern California each November for the region’s largest festival of its kind. How notorious are we talking? Well, let’s just say any festival that lures some of the best national chefs, local culinary stars, and celebrated winemakers and brewmasters means serious gastronomic pleasure is in order

November 8-January 5 The Rockettes Christmas

Let’s go girls! Those sky-high kicks, those naughty smiles -- oh, it certainly wouldn’t be a notoriously fun November without the Rockettes. During the holiday season, the legendary dance company kicks it into high gear with five shows a day, seven days a week. See the grand show unfold in the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, presented at Radio City Music Hall.


November 28-Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Head to the Big Apple for Macy’s annual Thanksgiving Day Parade. The three-hour event starts at 9 a.m. Thanksgiving Day, but better come early (and wear warm clothes); crowds start arriving hours earlier to stake out a spot. If a 5 a.m. wakeup call’s not your thing, these NYC Hotels offer great views of the parade’s lineup of floats, clowns and more. 

Iceman’s Calendar


·         November 1st MASS Feast of All Saints

o   MASS First Friday

·         November 2nd MASS Feast of All Souls

o   First Saturday

·         November 3rd Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost

o   Saint Hubert

·         November 5th MASS pray for God’s intervention

o   Election Day

·         November 6th First Wednesday

·         November 10th Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost

·         Monday-November 11th  St. Martin

o   Veteran’s Day

·         Tuesday-November 12th Indian Summer

·         Friday-November 15th Full Beaver Moon

·         November 17th Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost-Note the Mass for the 5th Sunday of Epiphany will be said.

·         November 21st Feast of the Presentation of Virgin Mary

·         November 24th Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost-Note the Mass for the 6th Sunday of Epiphany will be said.


·         November 25th Feast of Saint Catherine of Alexandria

·         November 28th Thanksgiving Day

·         November 30th  Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle 


NOVEMBER 1 Friday-Solemnity of All Saints



2 Chronicles, Chapter 26, Verse 5

He was prepared to seek God as long as Zechariah lived, who taught him to FEAR God; and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him prosper.


As long as you seek the Lord you will prosper. This verse is about the reign of King Uzziah.



·         King Uzziah reigns for 52 years and does a whole bunch of awesome stuff. He wins wars, he makes allies, he builds up cities, he develops agricultural systems, and he creates a mighty army.

·         But pride comes before a fall. King Uzziah gets so powerful that he starts to get over-confident.

·         One day, he decides that he'd like to step into the Temple to make some offerings.

·         Only the high priests can make offerings in the Temple, and they warn him to get out.

·         While Uzziah's reading the riot act to the priests, he breaks out in a huge rash all over his face right there in the Temple.

·         After that, he's considered "leprous" so he can't enter the Temple ever again.

·         He's so sick that his son Jotham has to take over his kingly duties until he dies.

Humble yourselves therefor under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time. (1 Peter 5:6)

Feast of All Saints[4]


2177 The Sunday celebration of the Lord's Day and his Eucharist is at the heart of the Church's life. "Sunday is the day on which the paschal mystery is celebrated in light of the apostolic tradition and is to be observed as the foremost holy day of obligation in the universal Church."


"Also, to be observed are the day of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Epiphany, the Ascension of Christ, the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, the feast of Mary the Mother of God, her Immaculate Conception, her Assumption, the feast of Saint Joseph, the feast of the Apostles Saints Peter and Paul, and the feast of All Saints."


WHY has the Church appointed this feast?


1. To honor God in His saints, in whom He has shown Himself so wonderful, and to thank Him, as the author of all sanctity, for the benefits He has bestowed upon them.


2. To put us in lively remembrance of the communion of saints; that is, of all true children of the Church, whether they belong to the Church militant on earth, to the Church suffering in purgatory, or to the Church triumphant in heaven; but more particularly to cause us to consider, with earnestness, the communion of the saints in heaven with us, who are yet combating on earth.


3. To encourage us to strive for the like sanctity with them, and to teach us that it is by no means impossible; for if thousands of men could become saints, why should not we, who can do all things through Him Who strengthens us, and has sent the Holy Ghost for our sanctification?


4. To pay honor to those saints to whom no particular day in the year is dedicated.


5. That, in consideration of so many intercessors, God may grant us perfect reconciliation, may give us a share in their merits, and may grant us the grace of one day sharing in their joy in heaven.


By whom was this feast instituted?


By Pope Boniface IV., who, in the year 610, appropriated the Pantheon (that is, the temple of all gods) to the divine ser vice of Christians, dedicated it to the Blessed Virgin and all saints, and commanded this feast in honor of all saints to be celebrated at Rome every year. Gregory IV., in the year 840, extended this feast to the whole Church, and transferred it to the 1st of November.




O Almighty God, Who hast granted us to venerate in one solemnity the merits of all Thy saints, we beseech Thee that, as our intercessors are multiplied, Thou wouldst bestow upon us the desired abundance of mercy. Amen.


EPISTLE. Apoc. vii. 2-12.


In those days: Behold I John saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, having the sign of the living God : and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying : Hurt not the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, till we sign the servants of our God in their foreheads. And I heard the number of them that were signed, an hundred forty-four thousand were signed, of every tribe of the children of Israel. Of the tribe of Juda, were twelve thousand signed. Of the tribe of Ruben, twelve thousand signed. Of the tribe of Gad, twelve thousand signed. Of the tribe of Aser, twelve thousand signed. Of the tribe of Nephthali, twelve thousand signed. Of the tribe of Manasses, twelve thousand signed. Of the tribe of Simeon, twelve thousand signed. Of the tribe of Levi, twelve thousand signed. Of the tribe of Issachar, twelve thousand signed. Of the tribe of Zabulon, twelve thousand signed. Of the tribe of Joseph, twelve thousand signed. Of the tribe of Benjamin, twelve thousand signed. After this, I saw a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and tribes, and peoples, and tongues: standing before the throne, and in sight of the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands: and they cried with a loud voice, saying: Salvation to our God, Who sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb. And all the angels stood round about the throne, and the ancients, and the four living creatures: and they fell down before the throne upon their faces, and adored God, saying: Amen. Benediction, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, honor, and power, and strength to our God forever and ever. Amen.


GOSPEL. Matt. v. 1-12.


At that time: Jesus seeing the multitudes, went up into a mountain, and when He was set down, His disciples came unto Him. And opening His mouth, He taught them, saying: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for My sake; be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven. This gospel is read to-day because it is by practicing what it contains that the saints have gained the eternal kingdom. 

Explanation of the Eight Beatitudes 

I. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Deadly sin to avoid: Gluttony) The poor in spirit are: 

o   those who, like the apostles, readily forsake all earthly things, and for Christ’s sake become poor. 

o   Those who, happening to lose their property by misfortune or injustice, suffer the loss patiently, in resignation to the will of God. 

o   Those who, like Jesus, are content with their poor and humble position, seek no higher or happier one, and would rather suffer want than enrich themselves by unlawful acts, by fraud or theft. 

o   The rich and noble who set not their hearts upon the riches and greatness of the world; but who use their riches and influence to relieve the misery of the needy and oppressed. 

o   Finally, the truly humble, who, convinced of their weakness, their helplessness and misery, think lowly of themselves, and regard themselves but as beggars, who are always in need of the grace of God. To all these, therefore, in whose hearts the world has no place, there is assured, as their inheritance, the kingdom of heaven; here the kingdom of grace there the kingdom of glory. 

II. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the land.” (Deadly sin to avoid: Pride) That man is meek who does not murmur against God for sending afflictions upon him, who is not angry at men who do him injury, but who rather suppresses impatience, anger, envy, and revenge, nay, who seeks to recompense the evil done him by his neighbor with good. Such a one is greater than he who takes by storm fortified cities; he possesses an unfailing fountain of peace, quiet, and cheerfulness; by his meekness prevails over the most hostile minds, is by such means truly a ruler upon earth, and will one day, for his portion, obtain heaven, the land of the living, there to enjoy eternal peace. 

III. “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted,” (Deadly sin to avoid: Envy) By them that mourn we are not to understand such as grieve and lament over a death, a misfortune, a loss of worldly goods, or the like; but those who are grieved that God should be in so many ways offended by themselves and by others that His Church should be so heavily oppressed, and thereby so many souls lost that have been redeemed with the precious blood of Christ. The only evil really to be grieved for is sin, and the tears shed on account of sin are the only tears that are profitable, for they shall be recompensed with everlasting joy. 

IV. “Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice, for they shall have their fill.” (Deadly sin to avoid: Sloth) Hunger and thirst denote the most ardent longing after those virtues which constitute Christian perfection, such as humility, meekness, the love of God and of our neighbor, penance. Whoever longs for these virtues as the hungry man does for food and drink and prays to God for them with perseverance and earnestness, shall have his fill; that is, he shall be enriched with them, and one day shall be satisfied with eternal happiness. 

V. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” (Deadly sin to avoid: Greed) The merciful here spoken of are: 

o   Those who willingly for give the injuries done to them.

o   Those who have compassion for their poor neighbors, and, according to their ability, sustain them by alms. These shall obtain mercy; that is, God will forgive them their sins and endow them abundantly with the goods of this world and of the world to come. Thus, God deals with us as we deal with others. 

VI. “Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.” (Deadly sin to avoid: Lust) The clean of heart are those who preserve with care the innocence with which they are invested at holy Baptism, or seek to regain it, when lost, by penance; those who keep their hearts and consciences unspotted from all sinful thoughts, particularly from all unchaste thoughts, desires, words, and acts, and who endeavor in all things to have a pure intention directed to God alone. They shall see God, that is, they shall know Him even here upon earth, for as the eye that is to see must be clean, so only souls that are pure and unstained can behold God. But further, our knowledge is like our hearts; the purer the heart the clearer and greater is the knowledge of God. But in the world above they shall see, know, and possess Him as He is. What blessedness! Strive, therefore, to keep your heart clean. 

VII. “Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God.” (Deadly sin to avoid: Anger) By peacemakers we are to understand those who have peace with themselves, that is, a quiet conscience, and who endeavor to maintain peace among others, or to restore it when broken. Such are called the children of God, because they follow God, Who is a God of peace, and who even gave His only Son to reconcile the world with Him, and to bring down upon earth that peace which the world itself could not give. 

VIII. “Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Deadly sin to avoid: Worldly Fear) Hereby all those are declared blessed who, on account of the true faith, of virtue, of the fear of God, of purity, are persecuted, calumniated, and even put to death, and who bear all this with Christian patience and constancy, nay, with joy. Thus, have the saints done, and thereby they have gained the heavenly crown. Do we desire to be crowned with them; we must also suffer with them. And in truth, if we would apply ourselves zealously to virtue, occasions will not be wanting to us, for all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 


How lovely, O God, are Thy tabernacles! My soul longeth and fainteth for Thy courts, O living God, Who art the crown and reward of the saints, and repayest their sufferings and sorrows in this world with eternal joy. How blessed are all they who, in this life, have served Thee faithfully! They behold Thee and the Lamb of God face to face; they bear Thy name on their foreheads, and reign with Thee forever. We therefore beseech Thee, O God, through their intercession, to grant us Thy grace to serve Thee after their example, in sanctity and justice; to follow them in poverty, humility, meekness, repentance, in ardent longing for all virtues, in peace-making and patience, and one day, like them, to share in the joys of heaven. Amen.


WHAT is it to venerate the saints?

To venerate the saints is to show veneration, love, and confidence towards these friends of God and coheirs with Christ who, out of love for Him, have gone through the fight, are now honored by Him (Ps. cxxxviii. 17), and reign with Him in eternal happiness.

Does not the veneration of the saints infringe upon the honor due to God?

No; it is rather a confirmation of it, since it refers only to God, and, in the saints, honors only Him.

Are we permitted, then, to venerate the saints?

Yes, and not only permitted, but it is good and useful to do so if we would honor God.

Is it also lawful to venerate the relics of the saints, that is, their bones, and articles that belonged to them?

Without doubt it is. This, indeed, has been the unbroken practice, both under the Old Law and the New, from the earliest times; and God has sanctioned it by the most remark able miracles. Thus, He brought a dead man to life by the bones of Eliseus (iv. Kings xiii. 21). The woman troubled with an issue of blood was made whole by barely touching the garments of Christ (Matt. ix. 22; Mark v. 29; Luke viii. 47). By the shadow of St. Peter (Acts v. 15), and the handkerchiefs and aprons of St. Paul (Acts xix. 12), different diseases were cured, and evil spirits expelled.

Why ought we to venerate the relics of the saints?

The reason is well given by the Council of Trent (Sess. xvi.). They are precious remains of those bodies which, in their lifetime, were members of Christ and temples of the Holy Ghost, and which shall one day be raised up and glorified.


Is it lawful to call upon the saints for their intercession?

If a man may call upon his brothers and sisters for help, and upon pious people yet living for their prayers to God in his behalf, as God advised the friends of Job to do (Job xlii. 8), as St. Paul did (i. Thess. v. 25), as non-Catholics themselves do, why should not a man invoke the intercession of the saints in the presence of God, who are our brethren?

But is not the invocation of the saints opposed to trust in God, and to the mediatorship of Christ?

No; for we do not address ourselves to the saints in any such sense as we would address ourselves to God; but, confessing ourselves to be sinners, and unworthy to appear before God, we betake ourselves to these friends of God and glorified brethren of ours, that through their intercession, which prevails much before Him, He may be gracious to us, and bestow upon us His favors. Christ is and remains our only mediator through Whom we have access to the Father (Eph. ii. 18); the saints are only intercessors who must pray to God for us through Jesus Christ.

Do the saints know of our prayers?

If the holy angels rejoice over the conversion of the sinner (Luke xv. 10) and offer up the prayers of the saints as pleasing incense before the face of God (Apoc. viii. 3), ought not the same privilege be allowed to the saints, as being the friends of God and of Jesus Christ, and as being partakers of the same glory as the angels? (John xv. 14, 15.) Did not Onias and Jeremias, after their death, know of the sad condition of the Jewish people, and zealously pray for them? (n. Mach. xv. 12, et seq.) God has a thousand ways of making known to them our prayers.

Praying for the Dead[5]All Souls Eve

In the Roman liturgical books, the celebration of All Saints' Day ends in the afternoon. When it is time for evening Vespers, the office for the Dead is recited in preparation for All Souls' Day. Those who do not use the breviary have followed the same pattern as well. Beginning at sunset on All Saints' Day, families gather in one room, extinguish all lights except the blessed candle that had been saved since Candlemas Day, and pray for the souls of their departed loved ones. In Brittany a group of men would actually go from farm to farm at night, shouting: "Christians awake; pray to God for the souls of the dead and say the Pater and Ave for them." The household would reply "Amen" and rise in prayer.

Things to Do[6]

·         Visiting a cemetery and praying for the dead during the Octave of All Saints' Day (November 1 through November 8) will gain a plenary indulgence that can be applied only to the souls in purgatory. On other days, this work gains a partial indulgence.

·         Spend a little time after Mass thanking God for all the unnamed saints, some of whom could be our own relatives.

·         Have a special meal and if you have young children have them dress up like saints and play games.

·         Pray the Litany of the Saints -- you could make it really special by chanting it ("he who sings prays twice") and you could read an explanation of this litany, which is considered the model of all other litanies.

·         From the Catholic Culture library:

o    The Church's Thanksgiving Day by Fr. Joseph Minihan,

o    Ideas for Sanctifying All Saints' Day by Jennifer Gregory Miller,

o    Halloween and All Saints Day by Fr. William Saunders.

Indulgences for All Souls Week

·         An indulgence, applicable only to the Souls in Purgatory, is granted to the faithful, who devoutly visit a cemetery and pray, even if only mentally, for the departed. The indulgence is plenary each day from the first to the eighth of November; on other days of the year it is partial.

·         A plenary indulgence, applicable only to the Souls in Purgatory, is granted to the faithful, who on the day dedicated to the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed [November 2 {as well as on the Sunday preceding or following, and on All Saints' Day}] piously visit a church. In visiting the church, it is required that one Our Father and the Creed be recited.

·         To acquire a plenary indulgence, it is necessary also to fulfill the following three conditions: sacramental Confession, Eucharistic communion, and prayer for the intention of the Holy Father. The three conditions may be fulfilled several days before or after the performance of the visit; it is, however, fitting that communion be received and the prayer for the intention of the Holy Father be said on the same day as the visit.

·         The condition of praying for the intention of the Holy Father is fully satisfied by reciting one Our Father and one Hail Mary. A plenary indulgence can be acquired only once in the course of the day.

More things to do[7]

·         Visit the cemetery where your loved ones are buried and light a candle. This is exactly what the holiday is meant to celebrate, and it is also very common for people to do on All Souls’ Day.

·         Watch a movie about All Souls’ Day or Christianity. Some of our favorites are: All Soul’s Day (2005), Passion of the Christ (2004), and Raising the Undead (2006).

·         Spread awareness on social media by using the hashtag #AllSoulsDay, #HonourTheDead and #HeavenAwaits.

·         Create an alter in memory of a loved one. This can be done within your home and typically uses pictures of the person, candles, flowers and any other sentimental pieces.

·         Prepare a meal in memory of a deceased family member. In many countries, it is customary to prepare this meal and it is believed that the dead return to consume the food.


Pope Gregory speaks of a priest of Centumcellæ, now Civita Vecchia, who also went to the warm baths. A man presented himself to serve him in the most menial offices, and for several days waited upon him with the most extreme kindness, and even eagerness. The good priest, thinking that he ought to reward so much attention, came the next day with two loaves of blessed bread, and, after having received the usual assistance of his kind servant, offered him the loaves. The servant, with a sad countenance, replied, “Why, Father, do you offer me this bread? I cannot eat it. I, whom you see, was formerly the master of this place, and, after my death, I was sent back to the condition in which you see me for the expiation of my faults. If you wish to do me good, ah! Offer up for me the Bread of the Eucharist.” At these words he suddenly disappeared, and he, whom the priest had thought to be a man, showed by vanishing that he was but a spirit. For a whole week the good priest devoted himself to works of penance, and each day offered up the Sacred Host in favor of the departed one; then, having returned to the same baths, he no longer found his faithful servant, and concluded that he had been delivered. It seems that Divine Justice sometimes condemns souls to undergo their punishment in the same place where they have committed their sins.

First Friday[9] 

Prayer Video - First Friday Devotion 

Jesus made the following 12 promises to St. Margaret Mary in favor of those who consecrate to the Sacred Heart, in a spirit of reparation, the First Friday of each month.

  1.  I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life.

  2. I will establish peace in their homes.

  3. I will comfort them in all their afflictions.

  4. I will be their secure refuge during life, and above all, in death.

  5. I will bestow abundant blessings upon all their undertakings.

  6. Sinners will find in My Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.

  7. Lukewarm souls shall become fervent.

  8. Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection.

  9. I will bless every place in which an image of My Heart is exposed and honored.

10. I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts.

11. Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart.

12. I promise you in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on the First Fridays in nine consecutive months the grace of final perseverance; they shall not die in My disgrace, nor without receiving their sacraments. My divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.

The Church grants a Plenary indulgence to those who attend Mass and receive Communion in honor of The Sacred Heart of Jesus on the First Friday of each month for nine (9) consecutive months.

​First Friday Devotion Prayers

The following prayers are recommended in the First Friday Devotion.

Litany of The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Act of Reparation to The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Memorare to The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Prayer of Adoration and Love to The Sacred Heart
Prayer of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament
Prayer of Trust in the Sacred Heart
Prayer of Consecration

​Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.

Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mother, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, of Infinite Majesty, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Sacred Temple of God, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Tabernacle of the Most High, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, House of God and Gate of Heaven, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, burning furnace of charity, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, abode of justice and love, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, king and center of all hearts, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whom are all treasures of wisdom and knowledge, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whom dwells the fullness of divinity, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whom the Father was well pleased, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, of whose fullness we have all received, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, desire of the everlasting hills, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, patient and most merciful, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, enriching all who invoke Thee, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, fountain of life and holiness, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our sins, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, loaded down with opprobrium, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, bruised for our offenses, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, obedient to death, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, our peace and our reconciliation, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, victim for our sins, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who trust in Thee, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in Thee, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, delight of all the Saints, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord.
V. Jesus, meek and humble of heart.
R. Make our hearts like to Thine.

Let us pray.

​Almighty and eternal God, look upon the Heart of Your most beloved Son and upon the praises and satisfaction which He offers You in the name of sinners; and to those who implore Your mercy, in Your great goodness, grant forgiveness in the name of the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, who livest and reignest with Thee forever and ever. Amen.

​Act of Reparation to The Sacred Heart of Jesus

O Jesus, Divine Savior, deign to cast a look of mercy upon Your children, who assemble in the same spirit of faith, reparation, and love, and come to deplore their own infidelities, and those of all poor sinners, their brethren. May we touch Your Divine Heart by the unanimous and solemn promises we are about to make and obtain mercy for ourselves, for the world, and for all who are so unhappy as not to love You. We all promise that for the future:

For the forgetfulness and ingratitude of men, we will console you, O Lord.

For the way you are deserted in your holy tabernacle, we will console you, O Lord.

For the crimes of sinners, we will console you, O Lord.
For the hatred of the impious, we will console you, O Lord.

For the blasphemies uttered against you, we will console you, O Lord.
For the sacrileges that profane your sacrament of love, we will console you, O Lord.

For the outrages against your divinity, we will console you, O Lord.
For the injuries of which you are the adorable victim, we will console you, O Lord.

For the coldness of the greater part of your children, we will console you, O Lord.

For the contempt of your loving invitation, we will console you, O Lord.
For the infidelity of those who called themselves your friends, we will console you, O Lord.

For the abuse of your grace, we will console you, O Lord.

For our own unfaithfulness, we will console you, O Lord.

For the incomprehensible hardness of our hearts, we will console you, O Lord.

For our long delay in loving you, we will console you, O Lord.

For our tepidity in your holy service, we will console you, O Lord.

For your bitter sadness at the loss of souls, we will console you, O Lord.

For your long waiting at the door of our hearts, we will console you, O Lord.

For the heartless scorn that grieves you, we will console you, O Lord.
For your loving sighs, we will console you, O Lord.

For your loving tears, we will console you, O Lord.

For your loving imprisonment, we will console you, O Lord.

For your loving death, we will console you, O Lord.

Let us pray: O Jesus!  Divine Savior, from whose Heart comes forth this bitter complaint, "I looked for one that would comfort me, and I found none," graciously accept the feeble consolation we offer You, and aid us so powerfully by Your grace, that we may, for the time to come, shun more and more all that can displease You, and prove ourselves in everything, and everywhere, and forever Your most faithful and devoted servants. We ask it through Your Sacred Heart, O Lord, who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end.  Amen.

​Memorare to The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Remember, O most kind Jesus, that none who have had recourse to Your Sacred Heart, implored its assistance, or called for mercy, have ever been abandoned. Filled, and animated by this same confidence, O divine Heart, Ruler of all hearts, I fly to You, and oppressed beneath the weight of my sins, I prostrate myself before You. Despise not Your unworthy child, but grant me, I pray, an entrance into Your Sacred Heart. Sustain me in all my combats and be with me now, and at all times, but especially in the hour of my death. O gracious Jesus! O amiable Jesus! O loving Jesus!  Amen.

​Prayer of Adoration and Love to the Sacred Heart

I adore Thee, I love Thee, I praise Thee, I cry to Thee for mercy, I return Thee thanks, I invoke Thee and confide myself entirely to Thee, O most holy and adorable Heart of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who for the salvation of us all didst submit Thyself to the rigors of Divine Justice, and didst voluntarily accept a birth accompanied with poverty, sorrow and contempt, a life of labor and contradictions, but of kindness for all, and a death full of opprobrium, confusion and sorrow, and who, in fine, for the love of those who wish to be saved through Thy divine charity, dost remain in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar to the end of time. Accomplish, O most adorable Heart, Thy wishes in my poor and miserable heart, which I dedicate and consecrate to Thee forever. Grant that it may live in the sentiments of love and gratitude which it owes Thee, that it may at all times breathe only Thy honor and glory, in order that it may expire in the waters of perfect contrition. Amen.

​Prayer of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament

Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God, Whom I believe to be really present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, receive this most profound act of adoration to supply for the desire I have to adore Thee unceasingly, and in thanksgiving for the sentiments of love which Thy sacred Heart has for me in this sacrament. I cannot better acknowledge them than by offering Thee all the acts of adoration, resignation, patience, and love which this same Heart has made during its mortal life, and which it makes still and which it shall make eternally in heaven, in order that through it I may love Thee, praise Thee, and adore Thee worthily as much as it is possible for me. I unite myself to this divine offering which Thou dost make to Thy divine Father, and I consecrate to Thee my whole being, praying Thee to destroy in me all sin and not to permit that I should be separated from Thee eternally. Amen.

​Prayer of Trust in The Sacred Heart

In all my temptations, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my weaknesses, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my difficulties, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my trials, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my sorrows, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In all my work, I place my trust in You, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In every failure, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In every discouragement, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In life and in death, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In time and in eternity, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus.

​Prayer of Consecration

I, _______, give myself to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I consecrate to Him my person and my life, my actions, pains, and sufferings, so that henceforth I shall be unwilling  to make use of any part of my being except for the honor, love, and glory of the Sacred Heart.

My unchanging purpose is to be all His and to do all things for the love of Him while renouncing with all my heart whatever is displeasing to Him.

I take you, O Sacred Heart, as the only object of my love, the guardian of my life, the assurance of my salvation, the remedy of my weakness and inconstancy, the atonement for all my faults, and the sure refugee at my death.

O Heart of love, I place all my trust in You, for I fear everything from my own wickedness and frailty, but I hope for all things from Your goodness and bounty.

Consume in me all that can displease You or resist Your holy Will. Let Your pure love imprint You so deeply upon my heart that I shall nevermore be able to forget You or be separated from You. May I obtain from all Your loving kindness the grace of having my name written in You, for I desire to place in You all my happiness and all my glory, living and dying in virtual bondage to You.

Catechism of the Catholic Church





        I.            The Last Judgment

Day 141

1038 The resurrection of all the dead, "of both the just and the unjust," will precede the Last Judgment. This will be "the hour when all who are in the tombs will hear [the Son of man's] voice and come forth, those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment." Then Christ will come "in his glory, and all the angels with him .... Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left.... and they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

1039 In the presence of Christ, who is Truth itself, the truth of each man's relationship with God will be laid bare. The Last Judgment will reveal even to its furthest consequences the good each person has done or failed to do during his earthly life:

All that the wicked do is recorded, and they do not know. When "our God comes, he does not keep silence.". . . he will turn towards those at his left hand: . . . "I placed my poor little ones on earth for you. I as their head was seated in heaven at the right hand of my Father - but on earth my members were suffering, my members on earth were in need. If you gave anything to my members, what you gave would reach their Head. Would that you had known that my little ones were in need when I placed them on earth for you and appointed them your stewards to bring your good works into my treasury. But you have placed nothing in their hands; therefore you have found nothing in my presence."

1040 The Last Judgment will come when Christ returns in glory. Only the Father knows the day and the hour; only he determines the moment of its coming. Then through his Son Jesus Christ he will pronounce the final word on all history. We shall know the ultimate meaning of the whole work of creation and of the entire economy of salvation and understand the marvellous ways by which his Providence led everything towards its final end. the Last Judgment will reveal that God's justice triumphs over all the injustices committed by his creatures and that God's love is stronger than death.

1041 The message of the Last Judgment calls men to conversion while God is still giving them "the acceptable time, . . . the day of salvation." It inspires a holy fear of God and commits them to the justice of the Kingdom of God. It proclaims the "blessed hope" of the Lord's return, when he will come "to be glorified in his saints, and to be marvelled at in all who have believed."

Fitness Friday-Take a bath

Rome was in part a great nation due to their system of "Bathing". After researching the bath system, I have reinvented the roman bath into a 10-step method.

  1.  Oil
  2. Light Exercise
  3. Warm bath/massage
  4. Steam Room followed by drinks.
  5. Hot Bath/Sauna
  6. Cold Bath
  7. Massage w/oils
  8. Entertainment/Sunbath
  9. Walk/Art
  10. Food/Alcohol

The Roman Bath


We can safely assume that the Roman Bath, or Thermae, is the father of our modern-day spas and health clubs. Bathing in ancient Rome was not a private activity conducted in the intimacy of one's home. Quite to the contrary, it was a highly social activity where men and woman of all classes congregated at different hours to exercise, bathe, socialize, relax and even read in the bathhouse’s communal libraries. During the Roman Empire bathhouses flourished. The city of Rome had 170 baths during the reign of Augustus, which increased to 900 in 300 AD. Bathhouses were considered a public facility and were built using tax money collected by the municipality. Sometimes a rich lord or emperor would build a sumptuous bath to impress his subjects and would grant them free entrance for a period of time. Generally, a modest entrance fee, affordable by all men was charged at the bathhouse. The women's fee was double, and their bath time restricted to mornings, while men used the baths from the early afternoon to closing time.


Communal bathing, although frowned upon, must have been indulged in regularly in ancient Rome as various Roman emperors frequently outlawed it. An interesting aspect of the Roman Bath was the exercise area or Palaestra (as the gym is still referred to by the Italians today). This is where the ancient Roman males and some females engaged in various types or muscle-building and sweat-inducing exercises like weightlifting, ball games, wrestling and boxing. Bowls, gambling with dice and various board games were available for the less energetic. The Roman bathhouses were the height of luxury. Even the average bath had floor to ceiling mirrors, intricate mosaics and rich marble pools. The baths were the equivalent of a social club or today's shopping malls. Besides the bath and the gym, they had a library with a reading room, a snack bar, restaurants, wine and beer bars, shops, lounges, taverns and hair cutting salons. Some even had a museum and a theatre. A typical Roman bath started in the apodyterium or changing rooms, where people would take their clothes off in small cubicles and leave their slaves to guard them. From there, they would step into the unctuarium where they had various oils rubbed onto their skin and could then exercise in one of the exercise yards or Palaestra. Then, they would generally move to the tepidarium or warm room, where they would lie around chatting with their friends, with attendants serving them snacks and drinks. The tepidarium was a transitional area and preparation for the hot caldarium. The latter is the equivalent of a sauna or steam bath, hot and steamy with heated floors where the bathers would sweat profusely while scraping their skin with a strigil. This curved metal tool was used to remove the oils, which were used by the common people instead of the very expensive soaps, only accessible to the rich.

From the hot steaming rooms, the bathers would then move to the frigidarium where, as the name indicates, they were able to cool off and allow the skin pores to close. The frigidarium contained pools of fresh water for dipping and swimming. After swimming, the bather would enjoy a massage and have oils and perfumes rubbed into his skin. Feeling clean and relaxed, the Roman bather then drifts through the beautiful gardens decorated with mosaics and colossal sculptures. Undoubtedly, the most interesting feature of the Roman bath was the under-floor heating, made possible by the Hypocaust system for heating the building and the pools. Thanks to the Hypocaust, hot air, heated from the basement fires flowing between the bricks and concrete columns would heat the rooms. In some baths the floor would be so hot that the bathers had to wear wooden sandals to prevent their soles from burning. The ancient Romans were undisputed early Master of Architecture and civil planning. They are accredited for being the builders of the greatest aqueducts in the world. These refer to an intricate system of pipes, ditches, canals, tunnels, and supporting structures, which were used to transport water from its source onto a main distribution point. Through these aqueducts water flowed to the city by the sheer force of gravity. It usually went through a series of distribution tanks within the city from which it is later transported to its final destination.  

Daily Devotions

·         Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them in fasting: Today's Fast: End to Abortion

·         Tonight, would be a good night to renew your baptismal vows

·         Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

·         Offering to the sacred heart of Jesus

·         Drops of Christ’s Blood

·         Iceman’s 40 devotion

·         Friday Fish: Halibut

·         Universal Man Plan

·         Operation Purity

·         Rosary


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