Saturday, March 7, 2015

Psalms, Chapter 103, Verse 13
As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him.

Does God derive anything from having us fear Him?

His only wish is to see us truly growing and fruitful.  He made us and as a loving father knows our needs both physical and spiritual.  If we have a loving fear of our father we are compelled by the Holy Spirit into spiritual leadership avoiding sloth which often comes as a result of being stuck in a victim mentality or not letting go of rage by forgiving the offender.

Today seek the Father’s compassion by going to confession then arise and grow in spiritual leadership.

As we grow in our spiritual leadership[1] we tend to be:
·        Confident in God
·        Know God
·        Seek God’s will
·        Self-sacrifice
·        Serve all
·        Motivated by love
·        Trust the Holy Spirit
·        Lead others

[1] John Maxwell, The Maxwell Leadership Bible.


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