Thursday, August 6, 2015

Genesis, Chapter 42, Verse 18

On the third day Joseph said to them: “Do this, and you shall live; for I am a God-fearing man.

Joseph is a God fearing man, even when he was in prison he was free because he never esteemed anything above God; never forgetting God’s love and goodness. Knowing that a person becomes as great or small and inferior as the things he loves and values. When a person looks only for worldly satisfactions, they become blind to the gentle loving presence of the creator. Compare Joseph with his brothers in the movie presentation.

One who seeks only pleasure, ease honor or profit is a worldling, that is, he lives only for this life. Gradually he becomes a slave of his earthly desires, so that he cannot even think of God. He will believe in Heaven to late—when he finds its gates forever closed to him.[1]

[1] Paone, Anthony J., Our Daily Bread, 1954.


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