Start March 12 to December 12

Total Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Total Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Day 9-consecrate/reconsecrate in honor of Patriots Day 9/11-10/13 miracle of the sun at fatima

Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Voting now till November 5-we hope?!

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Thursday, September 19, 2024

  Rachel’s Corner-  Elvis is alive in Arizona The work of justice will be peace, the effect of justice, calm and security forever. Isaiah 32...

Monday, June 17, 2019

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

2 Chronicles, Chapter 19, Verse 9
He gave them this command: “Thus you shall act in the fear of the LORD, with fidelity and with an undivided heart.

Human work if separated from God is short-lived; it becomes a tower of babble. Our hearts need to be fixed on the truth that there is a God and we are not Him. We can only create greatness when we work with God and not against Him. To do this we must be faithful and ask for enlightenment and seek His salvation through the Mass.

A Method of hearing Mass Spiritually,


A GOOD INTENTION BEFORE MASS. I BELIEVE, Lord Jesus, that in the Last Supper Thou didst offer up a true sacrifice; I believe it because Thou hast made it known to us through the Catholic Church, which from the apostle’s times has constantly taught it to us. Since Thou didst command the apostles and the priests ordained by them, to do the same till the end of time, I therefore offer to Thee, with the priest, this holy sacrifice of the Mass (which I believe to be one with that offered on Mount Calvary), to Thy honor and glory, in acknowledgment of my most bounden service, in thanksgiving for the innumerable benefits which Thou hast conferred upon me and upon the whole world, in satisfaction for my sins and the sins of all mankind, and for obtaining the grace of perfect contrition for my sins. I also offer to Thee this holy Mass for my friends, benefactors, for those for whom I am bound, and for whom Thou willest me to pray. I also offer it for my enemies, that they may be converted, for all the faithful departed, particularly for my parents and relatives, and for the welfare of all Christendom.


Most Holy Trinity, God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, almighty source of all things; my best Father, my merciful Redeemer, the Fountain of my sanctification and happiness, I, Thy most unworthy creature, venture to appear before Thee, to show Thee, my true God and Creator, all honor, adoration, and trustful submission; to thank Thee for the innumerable benefits which I have received from Thee; to praise Thee for Thy glory (for I am created for Thy praise); to implore Thy mercies, and to appease Thy justice, because I have so often and so grievously sinned against Thee. All this I cannot do in a worthier and more perfect manner than by hearing, with faith and devotion, holy Mass. For in that holy sacrifice is offered to Thee the most sublime sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, the most efficacious sacrifice of supplication and propitiation, the most worthy sacrifice of salvation for the living and the dead. But because I cannot this day be present bodily at the holy Mass, I will, at least in spirit, place myself before the altar where Jesus Christ in an unbloody manner offers Himself, O heavenly Father, to Thee. With this glorious sacrifice I unite my present prayer; I fervently desire, united with the Son of God, in the strongest manner to praise, love, supplicate Thee, O heavenly Father, to repair all the wrong and shame that I have wrought, and completely to accomplish all that can be accomplished by the holy sacrifice of the Mass. To this end give me Thy divine grace, and grant that I may perform all this with sincere devotion. Amen.


Holy Father, I confess with sorrow that I have seldom served Thee with an undivided heart, but rather have often offended Thee, and by my slothfulness and neglect have brought upon myself infinitely great guilt before Thee. I therefore take refuge in the merits of Thy beloved Son, now present upon the altar, Who so freely commends and imparts to us His grace and favor. In the holy sacrifice of the Mass Jesus offers to Thee, for me, the highest veneration and love, the most perfect praise, the most hearty thanksgiving, and the most kind expiation. For the perfect forgiveness of my sins, O heavenly Father, I offer to Thee the whole suffering and death of Jesus Christ, which now, in an unbloody manner, is renewed upon the altar. O most benign Father, Thy Son has suffered and died even for me, a poor sinner. With thankful love I bring before Thee as a precious and pleasing offering, the infinite merits of His suffering and death. I firmly trust that, on account of this inestimable sacrifice of Thy Son, Thou wilt not regard my guilt, and that Thou wilt increase in me Thy graces. Amen. O Father of mercies, and God of all consolation, to Thee I turn for help and grace. Graciously look upon my misery and wretchedness, and let my supplications come before Thee. That I may the more surely be heard by Thee, I appear before the throne of Thy grace, which for our salvation, is set up in the holy sacrifice of the Mass, where the innocent Lamb of God is mysteriously offered up to Thee, holy Father, Almighty God, for the remission of our sins. Regard, I beseech Thee, the innocence of this holy sacrifice, and for the sake thereof extend to me Thy mercy. O my Saviour, how great is Thy love for me which, to make satisfaction for my sins, and to gain me the grace of Thy Father, impelled Thee to endure for me such bitter pains, and even death itself. Oh, how great is yet Thy love for me, which causes Thee, in every holy Mass to renew, in an unbloody manner, Thy death of propitiation, in order to apply and communicate to me Thy merits. With my whole heart I thank Thee for Thy great love, and from the depths of my soul I beseech Thee to make me a partaker of the fruits of it, and to strengthen and confirm me by the grace of the Holy Ghost, that I may detest sin and all unholy living, that I may crucify my flesh, with all its passions, deny myself, and follow in Thy foot steps, that all my thoughts and words, all that I do or leave un done, may be a living service of God, and a sacrifice well pleas ing to Him. As Thou hast offered up Thyself to Thy heavenly Father, so take me also in the arms of Thy love and mercy, and present me, a poor erring sinner, as an offering to Thy Father, and let me no more be separated from His love. Amen.


O most holy Jesus, before Thee the heavenly choirs kneel and adore; with them I lift up my voice and cry. Holy, holy, holy, art Thou, O Lord of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of Thy grace and glory. Thou art present, O Jesus, under the appearances of bread and wine. Hear, O hear my prayer. I strike my breast and confess my unworthiness; but with firm confidence I implore Thee, O Jesus, be merciful to me. O most benign Jesus, forgive me my sins. O holy blood wash me from my sins. O precious blood of Jesus, O blood of Jesus, rich in grace, cry out to Heaven for mercy upon me. Most holy God, receive this precious blood, together with the love through which it was shed; receive it as an offering of my love and thankfulness, for the greatest glory of Thy name; for the forgiveness of my sins; in satisfaction of the punishments which I have deserved; for the washing away of the stains of my guilt, as reparation for all my neglects, and as amends for all the sins which I have committed through ignorance or frailty; receive it also as a sacrifice for the consolation of the afflicted; for the conversion of sinners; for the recovery of the sick and suffering; for the strengthening of those who draw near to death; for the refreshment, purification, and deliverance of the souls of the departed in purgatory. Amen.


To Thee, O most benign Jesus, I lift up my eyes and my heart. Oh, turn upon me Thy gracious countenance, and Thy true love. Behold, O Lord, my manifest need, and the great danger of my soul. Oh, receive me, Thou Who art my only true mediator and helper. Be Thou, through the holy sacrifice of the Mass, my salvation, and obtain for me the entire remission of my sins. Oh, represent to Thy Father how cruelly Thou wast scourged, crowned, crucified, and put to death for us, and thereby reconcile with the strict justice of God me, a miserable sinner. Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary.


O Lamb of God, Who suffered for us miserable sinners, have mercy upon me, and offer up to the Father Thy passion for the forgiveness of my sins. O Lamb of God, Who died for us miserable sinners, have mercy upon me, and offer up to God Thy death in satisfaction for my sins! O Lamb of God, Who didst sacrifice Thyself for us miserable sinners, have mercy upon me, and offer up Thy holy blood to the Father for the cleansing of my soul. Heavenly Father, I offer to Thee this precious and most worthy oblation. My sins are more in number than the hairs of my head, but, O just and merciful God, lay this precious offering in the one scale and my sins in the other, and that will far outweigh my guilt. O merciful, O holy God, give me Thy blessing before I end my prayer, and through this blessing let me obtain grace at once to begin to amend my life, and to renounce whatever is sinful and displeasing to thee. Support me in my weakness; strengthen me when temptations assail me, and let me never forget that Thou art near me. O precious day! but perhaps the last of my life. O happy day! if it shall make me better. Holy Mother of God, Mary, holy angels and friends of God, pray for me and lead me in the way of truth. O God grant Thy love to the living, and Thy peace to the dead. Amen.

International Picnic Day[1]

International Picnic Day celebrates gathering together outdoors to eat and enjoy one another's company, which has traditionally been called Picnic.  The true origin of International Picnic Day is unknown, but can be traced back to the end of the French Revolution and the Victorian Era.  Picnics were ways for people to escape the restrictions of etiquette and formality.  As an informal food holiday, there are few rules and lots of options.  International Picnic Day is observed on June 18th each year.
International Picnic Day Facts & Quotes
  • According to Guinness World Records, the largest picnic took place in Portugal, 2009. 22,232 people participated. Two other records were set during that same event, largest litter bin and loudest applause.
  • The use of the phrase no picnic is used to describe something unenjoyable.
  • Picnic was most likely invented by the French.  Shortly after the French Revolution ended, the Royal Gardens were opened to the public for the first time. It was the new common pastime for the French to visit the gardens and take along a meal.
  • You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can't predict the weather. - Andre 3000 (song 'Ms. Jackson')
  • A few sandwiches short of a picnic. - is a phrase used to describe someone who is not mentally together.
International Picnic Day Top Events and Things to Do
  • Arrange a picnic with friends in the nearby park. Prepare foods beforehand and enjoy eating in the nature.
  • Take a Frisbee or a ball and play sport games after eating.
  • Bring a music player with you and listen to favorite music while enjoying the food and conversation.
  • Search in the internet for new food recipes and prepare new easy dishes for your picnic. Make a contest for the best recipe.
Daily Devotions
·         Drops of Christ’s Blood
·         90 Days for our Nation, 54-day rosary-Day 37


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