Saturday, January 9, 2021
Saturday after Epiphany
Genesis, Chapter 20, Verse 8
Early the next morning Abimelech called all his servants and informed them of everything that had happened, and the men were filled with FEAR.
I would
like to share something of why Sarah was one of the most beautiful women of all
The apparent implication is that
Sarah was beautiful inside and out—and what’s more, that the inside and outside
were interdependent. Her face was a transparent canvas from which emanated her
inner radiance. Chassidic philosophy demonstrates three ways in which the body
and soul can interact:
soul can try and mitigate the urges of the body. Things that look good, taste
good and feel good are stimulating and addictive. Most of us live life with our
body in the driver’s seat. The soul just can’t compete. And so the soul tries
to negotiate reasonably, and encourages moderation.
the soul can choose to reject the body and abhor anything associated with
materialism. The soul-driven person would then rebel against society’s shallow
and false veneers. Simplicity and ascetism become the ultimate goals of the
third scenario is not a compromise between the first two. It is an entirely new
approach, where the body and soul learn to work together. The soul neither
leans towards the body nor rejects it. It does not react; it pro-acts. In a
proactive position, the soul directs and channels the body’s inclination in a
constructive way. In this last approach, instead of repressing the body’s
needs, the soul views them as an opportunity to serve God in a whole new way.
Now is
the time to plan to attain a religious retreat or conference before Easter.
This book was conceived after attending a Marian conference.[2]
Christmas Weekday -
Day Sixteen[3]
St. Francis initiated the beautiful practice of displaying a Christmas crib or
creche. He built it in a cave on a bleak mountain near the village of Greccio.
News of what he was doing spread all over the countryside and a steady stream
of men, women and children came by night carrying torches and candles to light
their way. "It seemed like midday," wrote someone who was there,
"during that midnight filled with gladness for man and beast, and the
crowds drawing near, so happy to be present for the renewal of the eternal
mystery." Francis himself sang the Gospel story in a voice which was
"strong and sweet and clear," says the observer. "Then he
preached to the people, most movingly, about the birth of the poor King in
little Bethlehem." —
Excerpted from Christmas
Day Sixteen activity (St. Francis and the Creche)
Day Sixteen recipe (Double Chocolate Mocha Biscotti)
Law Enforcement
Appreciation Day[4]
Law Enforcement
Appreciation Day was created to celebrate police officers. It's a day to thank
them for the public service they provide and to show support. It is also a time
to commemorate the officers that have died in the line of duty.
Enforcement Appreciation Day Facts
- As
of 2018, there are over 900,000 sworn police officers serving in the
United States. Approximately 12% are female.
- According
to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF), for the
ten-year period of 2008-2017, the main cause of death of police officers
was gunshots. The second one was auto crashes. 1511 police officers died
in the line of duty during said period.
- The
Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor is the highest honor that can be
awarded to a public safety officer in the United States. The awardees are
posted here.
Enforcement Appreciation Day Top Events and Things to Do
- In
1989, during the holiday season, Dolly Craig put two blue candles in her
living room window. The purpose was to commemorate her son-in-law, Daniel
Gleason, who died in the line of duty, and her daughter, Daniel's wife,
who died in a car accident in 1989. The idea was adopted by C.O.P.S
(Concerns of Police Survivors) under the name Project Blue Light. You can
take part by placing a blue light on your window during the holiday season
to commemorate fallen officers.
- Watch
a police movie. From infiltration films like Donnie Brasco
(1997) and The Departed (2006), to detective films like Se7en
(1995) and comedies like Hot Fuzz (2007).
- Wear
- If
you see a law enforcement officer, thank them for their service.
- If
you have a positive story involving law enforcement, share it on social
Geek Out at the Consumer
Electronics Show[5]
CES 2021 in Las Vegas Canceled Over
COVID-19, Consumer Electronics Show Moves to Online Format
don’t have to be a tech geek or even be in the tech business to go to the Consumer
Electronics Show (CES).
For four days in January, Las Vegas becomes the gathering place for all thing’s
consumer technology. It often serves as the proving ground and the place to
unveil the latest and greatest breakthroughs in high tech.
Daily Devotions
Saturday Litany of the Hours
Invoking the Aid of Mother Mary
to the sacred heart of Jesus
reparations to the Holy Face
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