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Prayer consecrating the upcoming election in the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary
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Total Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Wednesday, January 26, 2022



Sirach, Chapter 22, Verse 18

Small stones lying on an open height will not remain when the wind blows; So, a timid mind based on foolish plans cannot stand up to FEAR of any kind. 

“A timid mind is apt to mistake every scratch for a mortal wound.” 

George Gordon Byron 

St. Joseph is the model of a man with no hesitancy of mind he is the man God chose to raise his son. 

Virtues of St. Joseph Every Man can follow[1] 

Justice-One of the few descriptors of St. Joseph found in Scripture is that he was a "just man," also translated as a "righteous man" (Matthew 1:19). Justice includes the virtues of fairness, honesty, and respect for others. 

Obedient to God's will-Several times, angels came to St. Joseph in dreams and directed his course of action. They told him to marry Our Lady when he had thought of a quiet divorce, to flee to Egypt, and to return to Nazareth. In all these instances, he did as they said without question, giving us a model of surrender to God's will. 

A protector-When Herod threatened the infant Jesus, St. Joseph went to great lengths to guard the baby from harm. We know little of St. Joseph's daily life, but we can imagine the kind of honorable and self-sacrificing man to whom God the Father would entrust the care and upbringing of His only begotten son. 

Responsible-Caring for the two holiest people who ever lived, Jesus and Mary, must have seemed an immense task, but St. Joseph undertook it bravely. He was trustworthy enough to rise to the challenge of being responsible for their livelihood and well-being. 

Chaste-One of the things we know about St. Joseph is that he and Our Lady lived together without consummating their marriage. He is a model of purity and would be a fitting intercessor for any man striving to live this virtue. 

Faithful-St. Luke repeatedly emphasizes in his Gospel how St. Joseph acted in compliance with "the law of the Lord," that is, the ritual requirements of an observant Jewish man. He was a devoutly religious believer, and his faithfulness is an example for all men. 

Watch: St Joseph: Our Spiritual Father

 Feast of Saints Timothy and Titus, Bishops[2]


St. Timothy, born in Galatia in Asia Minor, was baptized and later ordained to the priesthood by St. Paul. The young Galatian became Paul's missionary companion and his most beloved spiritual son. St. Paul showed his trust in this disciple by consecrating him bishop of the great city of Ephesus. St. Timothy was stoned to death thirty years after St. Paul's martyrdom for having denounced the worship of the goddess Diana.


St. Titus, a convert from paganism, was a fellow laborer of St. Paul on many apostolic missions. St. Paul later made him bishop of Crete, a difficult charge because of the character of the inhabitants and the spread of erroneous doctrines on that island. St. Paul's writings tell us that St. Titus rejoiced to discover what was good in others and drew the hearts of men by his wide and affectionate sympathy.


Australia Day[3]


Australia Day commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet of 11 convict ships from Britain.  On this day in 1788, Captain Arthur Phillip first raised the British flag at Sydney Cove, marking the British occupation of Australia which has been claimed 8 years earlier by the arrival of Captain James Cook in 1770. Australia Day is observed annually on January 26th each year with barbeques and fireworks. Today, the day gives Australians the opportunity to reflect upon what it means to be Australian, the history that shaped the nation and the brighter future that the country has to look forward to.


Australia Day Facts & Quotes


·       In 2015 Australia day coincided with 150th anniversary of Colac's Botanic Gardens.

·       Australia was originally designed as a penal colony - a place used to exile convicts and criminals.  The first was named the Colony of New South Wales.

·       The Australian Flag is flown to commemorate this holiday.  The flag includes: The Union Jack, representing historical ties to Great Britain; a large white seven-tipped star representing the 7 provinces making up the Commonwealth of Australia; and five white stars in the Southern Cross constellation pattern, a reminder of their Southern Hemisphere location.

·       The entire population of Australia (22.3 Million) is less than the population of Texas (26 Million).

·       There's an expression in Australia that's called 'Go Bush,' which means to get out of the city and relax. I try and 'go bush' to places where there's no cell reception. But I don't get to do that often, so for the most part, it's just a state of mind. - Cate Blanchett, actress


Australia Day Top Events and Things to Do


·       Watch fireworks displays.  Some of the grander displays are at Sydney harbor, Rooty Hill and the shores of Lake Burley Griffin.

·       Watch or attend the Oz Day 10km race in Sydney, Australia.

·       Visit Hyde Park in Sidney where many Australia day events take place.

·       Attend flag raising and citizenship ceremonies in Canberra and Perth.

Every Wednesday is Dedicated to St. Joseph

The Italian culture has always had a close association with St. Joseph perhaps you could make Wednesdays centered around Jesus’s Papa. Plan an Italian dinner of pizza or spaghetti after attending Mass as most parishes have a Wednesday evening Mass. You could even do carry out to help restaurants. If you are adventurous, you could do the Universal Man Plan: St. Joseph style. Make the evening a family night perhaps it could be a game night. Whatever you do make the day special.

·       Do the St. Joseph Universal Man Plan.

·       Devotion to the 7 Joys and Sorrows of St. Joseph


Daily Devotions/Practices


·       Today's Fast: Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them in fasting: The sanctification of the Church Militant.

·       Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

·       Total Consecration to St. Joseph Day 13

·       Offering to the sacred heart of Jesus

·       Novena to the Holy Face-Day 1

·       Drops of Christ’s Blood

·       Universal Man Plan

·       Rosary



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