Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Psalm 31,
Verse 20:
How great is your goodness, Lord, stored up for those who FEAR you. You display it for those who trust you, in the sight of the children of Adam.
this verse, one wonders, what exactly does “stored up mean”. A little research
reveals that stored up means to gather
or amass something. King David is professing here that just as in the natural
world there are laws that if followed lead to exponential growth, so it follows
that if a believer but trust in the Lord and retain a Godly fear versus the fear
of man; there will be a great abundance in spiritual growth. This growth will
be so great that it will be accompanied by physical abundance, so that all may
see, as stated in the verse “in the sight of the children of Adam” that God has
blessed those who love and trust him. Fear not, for God is with you! Trust in
Him as you would a mighty fortress in adversity.
Apostolic Exhortation[1]
Veneremur Cernui – Down in Adoration
of The Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of
to Priests, Deacons, Religious and the Lay Faithful of the Diocese of Phoenix
on the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
My beloved Brothers and Sisters in
and Adoring the Eucharistic Lord
Brother priests, make the Eucharist the source of all your priestly
Holy Thursday is the day in which Christ instituted the inseparable Sacraments
of the Eucharist and Holy Orders. As the Church has reminded us in countless
ways, Holy Orders, in particular the Priesthood, is ordered to the Eucharist.
For this reason, I offer this Exhortation on Holy Thursday, not only to all the
faithful, but in a special way to my brother priests.
From where does true priestly fruitfulness spring? Saint John Paul II was a
priest who bore much fruit in his over fifty years of priestly ministry: his
teaching, preaching, missionary trips, social and political impact, and wise
shepherding the Church through many challenges, to name but a few. But his
priestly “success” wasn’t the result of his own natural talents or unaided work
ethic. In a teleconference, he once shared with the young people of Los Angeles
that it was his daily closeness to the Eucharistic mystery from which
everything flowed. “I am deeply grateful to God for my vocation to the
priesthood. Nothing means more to me or gives me greater joy than to celebrate
Mass each day and to serve God’s people in the Church. That has been true ever
since the day of my ordination as a priest. Nothing has ever changed it, not
even becoming Pope” (September 15, 1987). Despite the almost unimaginable
demands of his schedule, he knelt before the Eucharist in private prayer each
When a priest makes time each day simply to be in the presence of the
Eucharistic Christ, he is tapping into the deepest source of his priesthood:
Jesus himself. Even when prayer seems dry or challenging, this time “wasted”
with the Lord becomes the taproot for pastoral charity. How the Lord’s words to
His chosen Apostles at the Last Supper penetrate the heart of us priests when
we feel discouraged, alone, or a failure: “Whoever remains in me and I in
him will bear much fruit” (Jn 15:5). When we priests have the courage to
spend daily time in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, we find ourselves
surprised and even overwhelmed, again and again, in the great mystery that He
is truly and personally with us, that He is bringing life and fruit through
even our most painful experiences, and that before He desires us to work, He
wants to be with us like a father, brother, and friend.
Which are the fruits
of the Holy Ghost? They are the twelve following:
1. Charity.
2. Joy.
3. Peace.
4. Patience.
5. Benignity.
11. Continency.
12. Chastity.
These fruits should be visible in the Christian, for
thereby men shall know that the Holy Ghost dwells in him, as the tree is known
by its fruit.
Notice I have placed the Fruits of the Holy Spirit in stairstep
fashion so we may reflect on them seeing that by concentrating on each step of
our growth in the spirit we may progress closer and closer to our heavenly Father.
Today we will be focusing on the Ninth step which is Peace.
Apparition of St. Michael[2]
It is evident from Holy Scripture
that God is pleased to make frequent use of the ministry of the heavenly
spirits in the dispensations of His providence in this world. The Angels are
all pure spirits; by a property of their nature, they are immortal, as is every
spirit. They have the power of moving or conveying themselves at will from place
to place, and such is their activity that it is not easy for us to conceive of
it. Among the holy Archangels, Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are
particularly distinguished in the Scriptures. Saint Michael, whose name means Who
is like unto God? is the prince of the faithful Angels who opposed Lucifer
and his followers in their revolt against God. Since the devil is the sworn
enemy of God’s holy Church, Saint Michael is given to it by God as its special
protector against the demon’s assaults and stratagems.
Various apparitions of this
powerful Angel have proved the protection of Saint Michael over the Church. We
may mention his apparition in Rome, where Saint Gregory the Great saw him in
the air sheathing his sword, to signal the cessation of a pestilence and the
appeasement of God’s wrath. Another apparition to Saint Ausbert, bishop of
Avranches in France, led to the construction of Mont-Saint-Michel in the sea, a
famous pilgrimage site. May 8th, however, is destined to recall
another no less marvelous apparition, occurring near Monte Gargano in the
Kingdom of Naples. In the year 492 a man named Gargan was pasturing his large
herds in the countryside. One day a bull fled to the mountain, where it could
not be found. When its refuge in a cave was discovered, an arrow was shot into
the cave, but the arrow returned to wound the one who had sent it. Faced with
this mysterious occurrence, the persons concerned decided to consult the bishop
of the region. He ordered three days of fasting and prayers. After three days,
the Archangel Michael appeared to the bishop and declared that the cavern where
the bull had taken refuge was under his protection, and that God wanted it to
be consecrated under his name and in honor of all the Holy Angels. Accompanied
by his clergy and people, the pontiff went to that cavern, which he found
already disposed in the form of a church. The divine mysteries were celebrated
there, and there arose in this same place a magnificent temple where the divine
Power has wrought great miracles. To thank God’s adorable goodness for the
protection of the holy Archangel, the effect of His merciful Providence, this
feast day was instituted by the Church in his honor. It is said of this special
guardian and protector of the Church that, during the final persecution of
Antichrist, he will powerfully defend it: “At that time shall Michael rise up,
the great prince who protects the children of thy people.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Article 12 "I
I. The Particular Judgment
1021 Death puts an end
to human life as the time open to either accepting or rejecting the divine
grace manifested in Christ. The New Testament speaks of judgment primarily
in its aspect of the final encounter with Christ in his second coming, but also
repeatedly affirms that each will be rewarded immediately after death in
accordance with his works and faith. the parable of the poor man Lazarus and
the words of Christ on the cross to the good thief, as well as other New
Testament texts speak of a final destiny of the soul -a destiny which can be
different for some and for others.
1022 Each man receives
his eternal retribution in his immortal soul at the very moment of his death,
in a particular judgment that refers his life to Christ: either entrance into
the blessedness of heaven-through a purification or immediately, -or
immediate and everlasting damnation.
At the evening of life,
we shall be judged on our love.
Wednesday is Dedicated to St. Joseph
Italian culture has always had a close association with St. Joseph perhaps you
could make Wednesdays centered around Jesus’s Papa. Plan an Italian dinner of
pizza or spaghetti after attending Mass as most parishes have a Wednesday
evening Mass. You could even do carry out to help restaurants. If you are
adventurous, you could do the Universal Man Plan: St. Joseph style. Make the
evening a family night perhaps it could be a game night. Whatever you do make
the day special.
to the 7 Joys and Sorrows of St. Joseph
· Do
the St. Joseph Universal Man Plan.
The Week Ahead
June 19th Corpus Christi
Daily Devotions
Do not ask everyone’s opinion, but only the opinion of
your confessor; be as frank and simple as a child with him. Simplicity
of life can drive out demons. Honesty is a weapon to defeat Satan, the Liar.
When we lie, we put a foot in his camp, and he will try to seduce us all the
· Unite
in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them in fasting: The Families of St. Joseph Porters
Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus
· Total Consecration to St. Joseph Day 1
Offering to the sacred heart of Jesus
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