Monday, February 20, 2023
Monday Night at the Movies
Jerry London, The Scarlet and the Black, 1983.
Shrove Monday
Genesis, Chapter 26, Verse 24
The same night the LORD appeared to
him (Isaac) and said: I am the God of Abraham, your father. Do not FEAR, for I am with you. I will bless you
and multiply your descendants for the sake of Abraham, my servant.
Often when are lives are full of trouble it is hard to think of God’s presence and to realize we are His children, and we should be about His business. Isaac is involved in a dispute over water rights. In a sparsely watered land, wells were precious and claims on water could function as a kind of claim on the land. God helps Abimelech, the King, to realize that Isaac has brought blessing to his people and thus to desire to make a covenant with him the day following Isaac’s dream. When I was in the military, we had a witty maxim for this; “It is hard to remember your mission was to drain the swamp when you are up to your arse in alligators.” When our lives are so busy fighting off the alligators that we do not take time to listen or pray to God; that is when God may approach us in our dreams. Isaac was reassured by God not to fear for He is with Him.
In this you rejoice, although now for a little while you may have to suffer through various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter: 6-7)
Shrovetide Monday-Carnival Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago[1]
You can’t really understand Trinidad unless you come for Carnival, or mas (for masquerade), as it’s locally known. Trinidad is a melting pot of West African, East Indian, Chinese, South American, and European, which has influenced both its music and Carnival itself. The country’s West African roots gave birth to the steel pan (or steel drum, originally made from empty oil barrels), calypso music, and its more recent souped-up version, soca (“soul-calypso”), which makes this Carnival the loudest and wildest in all the Caribbean.
the national obsession, with Port of Spain at its heart. Bands and masqueraders
begin their preparations a year in advance. Things start to hum after
Christmas, gradually building to a crescendo of rehearsals, concerts, open-air
fêtes, and calypso duels. The final 2-day explosion of color, music, and
unbridled excess officially kicks off at 4 A.M. on Carnival Monday with the “opening day” parade
called J’Ouvert (pronounced joo-VAY). Fueled by copious amounts of beer,
revelers covered in mud, grease, body paint, and chocolate form a mass of happy
humanity as they follow trucks blasting soca and “chip” (dance) until sunrise.
Monday (“old mas”) continues with bands
and dancers along a 6-mile parade route. The glitter and glamorous costumes of
“pretty mas” are saved for Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras), the day before Ash
Wednesday. Tens of thousands take to the streets in costume (often sequined
bikinis and feather headdresses), with groups as large as 3,000 in identical
costume following flatbed trucks carrying steel bands competing for the title
of “Masquerade Band of the Year.” Getups are at their most extravagant for the
Kings and Queens Costume Competition— some can weigh up to 200 pounds (and are
attached to wheels for mobility) and incorporate fog, fireworks, and other
special effects. “Pan” bands with as many as 100 musicians perform nonstop in a
riotous celebration of King Carnival.
Rosenmontag[2] (English: Rose Monday) is the highlight of the German Karneval (carnival), and takes place on the Shrove Monday before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.
Mardi Gras, though celebrated on Fat Tuesday, is a similar event. Rosenmontag is celebrated in German-speaking
countries, including Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Belgium (Eupen,
Kelmis), but most heavily in the carnival
strongholds which include the Rhineland, especially in Cologne, Bonn,
Düsseldorf, Aachen and Mainz. In contrast to Germany, in
Austria, the highlight of the carneval is not Rosenmontag, but Shrove Tuesday.
The name for the carnival
comes from the German dialect word roose meaning "frolic" and Montag meaning Monday.
The Karneval season begins at 11 minutes past the eleventh hour on
11 November and the "street carnival" starts on the Thursday before Rosenmontag, which is known as Weiberfastnacht ("women's carnival", Fat Thursday). Karneval is prevalent in Roman Catholic
areas and is a continuation of the old Roman traditions of slaves and servants
being master for a day. Karneval
derives from the Latin carnem levare
("taking leave of meat") marking the beginning of Lent.
Carnival is not a national
holiday in Germany, but schools are closed on Rosenmontag and the following Tuesday in the
strongholds and many other areas. Many schools as well as companies tend to
give teachers, pupils and employees the Thursday before Rosenmontag off as well and have celebrations
in school or in the working place on Weiberfastnacht, although every now and then there
are efforts to cut these free holidays in some companies.
Celebrations usually
include dressing up in fancy costumes, dancing, parades, heavy drinking and general public displays with
floats. Every town in the Karneval
areas boasts at least one parade with floats making fun of the themes of the
day. Usually sweets (Kamelle)
are thrown into the crowds lining the streets among cries of Helau or Alaaf, whereby the cry Kölle
Alaaf is only
applied in the Cologne
Carnival – Alaaf stems from or Alle af, Ripuarian for "all [others] away".
Sweets and tulips
are thrown into the crowd.
The celebrations become
quieter the next day, known as Veilchendienstag
("Violet Tuesday", Shrove Tuesday), and end with Ash Wednesday.
Sts. Francisco & Jacinta Marto[3]
Between May 13 and October 13, 1917, three children, Portuguese shepherds from Aljustrel, received apparitions of Our Lady at Cova da Iria, near Fatima, a city 110 miles north of Lisbon. At that time, Europe was involved in an extremely bloody war. Portugal itself was in political turmoil, having overthrown its monarchy in 1910; the government disbanded religious organizations soon after. At the first appearance, Mary asked the children to return to that spot on the thirteenth of each month for the next six months. She also asked them to learn to read and write and to pray the rosary “to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war.” They were to pray for sinners and for the conversion of Russia, which had recently overthrown Czar Nicholas II and was soon to fall under communism. Up to 90,000 people gathered for Mary’s final apparition on October 13, 1917. Less than two years later, Francisco died of influenza in his family home. He was buried in the parish cemetery and then re-buried in the Fatima Basilica in 1952. Jacinta died of influenza in Lisbon, offering her suffering for the conversion of sinners, peace in the world and the Holy Father. She was re-buried in the Fatima Basilica in 1951. Their cousin, Lucia dos Santos, became a Carmelite nun and was still living when Jacinta and Francisco were beatified in 2000. Sister Lucia died five years later. The shrine of Our Lady of Fatima is visited by up to 20 million people a year.
Pardon Prayer taught by the Angel
of Peace to Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia in Fatima during his first apparition
in 1916.
My God,
I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee!
I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do
not love Thee.
This prayer was given by the Angel
of Fatima to Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta.
Oh Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and
indifferences by which He is offended.
By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.
In light of the fact that both Francisco and Jacinta
died of influenza let us pray for our lady’s intercession in the coronavirus.
February 20th Bls. Francisco Marto & Jacinta
- October
13th - The Miracle of the Sun
- Dancing
Sun Cupcakes
- Portuguese
Dish for Our Lady of Fatima
- Spinning
Sun Cake
- Fatima
Miracle of the Sun Fruit Platter
Day, or Washington's Birthday as it is still legally known, was originally
designed as a celebration of George Washington's birthdate. In 1880,
Congress voted to make this the first national holiday which honored an
individual. In 1968, Congress enacted the Uniform Monday Bill, to give
workers as many long weekends as possible. This moved as many holidays as
possible to a standard Monday each year. Many states were already
honoring Abraham Lincoln's birthday, February 12th, and this celebration was
combined with George Washington's birthday, for one federal holiday. It
is observed on the third Monday in February each year.
President's Day Facts
to the Julian calendar, Washington was born February 11, 1732. The Gregorian
calendar was adopted in 1752, changing Washington's Birthday to February 22.
1888, Washington's Farewell Address has been read aloud in the U.S. Senate on
February 22nd.
Washington was the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, first U.S.
President, and President of the Constitutional Convention.
Day never falls on Washington's actual birthdate (Feb. 22). The third
Monday in February can never be any later than February 21st.
President's Day Top Events and Things
to Do
Mt. Vernon, VA, Washington's ancestral home and place of both he and his wife
Martha's tomb. Admission is free on President's Day.
shopping for a car. Presidents’ Day weekend typically features some of
the best car deals of the year as dealers try to clear out prior-year
George Washington's Farewell Address and reflect on his contributions to United
Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and reflect on his contributions to
the United States.
the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.
Salute the Presidents
What better way to
celebrate President's Day than with a trip to Mount
Rushmore. This
national memorial in South Dakota features the heads of George Washington,
Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.
O Most Holy and
Blessed Trinity, through the intercession of Holy Mary, whose soul was pierced
through by a sword of sorrow at the sight of the passion of her Divine Son, we
ask your help in making a perfect Novena of reparation with Jesus, united with
all His sorrows, love and total abandonment.
We now implore all the
Angels and Saints to intercede for us as we pray this Holy Novena to the Most
Holy Face of Jesus and for the glory of the most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. Amen.
Ninth Day
Psalm 51, 18-21.
For in sacrifice you take no
delight, burnt offering from me you would refuse, my sacrifice a contrite
spirit. A humbled, contrite heart you will not spurn. In your goodness, show
favor to Zion; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem Then you will be pleased with
lawful sacrifice, holocausts offered on your altar.
Sacred Face of our Lord
and our God, what words can we do to express our gratitude? How can we speak of
our joy? That you have deigned to hear us, that you have chosen to answer us in
our hour of need. We say this because we know that our prayers will be granted.
We know that you, in your loving kindness, listened to our pleading hearts, and
will give, out of your fullness, the answer to our problems. Mary, our Mother,
thank you for your intercession on our behalf. Saint Joseph, thank you for your
Through the merits of your
precious blood and your Holy Face, O Jesus, grant us our petition, Pardon and
Prayer to the Holy
Most Holy Trinity, Godhead
indivisible, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, our first beginning and our last end.
Since you have made us after your own image and likeness, grant that all the
thoughts of our minds, all the words of our tongues, all the affections of our
hearts and all our actions may be always conformed to your most Holy Will, so
that after having seen you here on earth in appearances and in a dark manner by
the means of faith, we may come at last to contemplate you face to face, in the
perfect possession of you forever in paradise. Amen.
Pray one (1) Our Father, (3) Hail Mary’s, (1) Glory Be.
O Bleeding Face, O Face Divine, be every adoration Thine. (Three times)
The Devil and Temptations[6]
There are many and varied
ways in which sin and evil are presented to us in an attractive way.
hypnotism is now used sometimes by respectable doctors, dentists and
therapists, it was linked in the past with the occult and with superstition.
when it is legitimate, there are certain real dangers that must be very
carefully considered. In hypnotism, one surrenders for a time his own capacity
to reason; there is a dependence of the one hypnotized on the will of the
hypnotist; also, there can be unfortunate aftereffects that result from this
for a very serious reason, avoid submitting to a hypnotist; never do it for the
purpose of entertainment.
In our day, hard rock
music played by "satanic" musical groups presents additional
problems. This music often glorifies Satan and also, at times, awakens desires
to commit suicide, to use drugs, and to misuse sex. The music is also known to
encourage physical violence. Even hell is proposed as a desired end of life.
The evil is found in the musical combination of words, rhythm and noise.
Records or tapes of this kind should not be kept in the home but should be
destroyed, even if they have cost a considerable amount of money. Choose the
Kingdom of God!
goes without saying that praying to the devil, worshipping Satan, reading the
Satanic bible, or taking part in a Black Mass which mocks the crucifixion of Jesus,
and the Eucharist are among the most serious sins that one can commit.
some Satanic worship, there is at times sacrifice to Satan by a horrible
killing of animals, and even the murder of human infants. The secrecy
surrounding this activity enables the "Church of Satan" to obtain a
certain respectability in our society. It has the same legal standing as any
other church.
· Do not be deceived; being involved in this false church is a very serious matter. Catholics who wish to repent must resign from the false religion at whatever cost, renounce Satan and their sin in all their heart, and confess this sin in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Get Ready for Spring in Dallas
wait for spring? Head to the Dallas
Arboretum and Botanical Garden
to see the largest floral festival in the Southwest which features an explosion
of color from more than 500,000 spring-blooming blossoms, thousands of azaleas
and hundreds of Japanese cherry trees.
of the Catholic Church
Chapter 2 “You shall love your neighbor as
V. Justice
and Solidarity Among Nations
2437 On the international level, inequality of resources and
economic capability is such that it creates a real "gap" between
nations. On the one side there are those nations possessing and developing
the means of growth and, on the other, those accumulating debts.
2438 Various causes of a religious, political, economic, and
financial nature today give "the social question a worldwide
dimension." There must be solidarity among nations which are already
politically interdependent. It is even more essential when it is a question of
dismantling the "perverse mechanisms" that impede the development of
the less advanced countries. In place of abusive if not usurious financial
systems, iniquitous commercial relations among nations, and the arms race,
there must be substituted a common effort to mobilize resources toward
objectives of moral, cultural, and economic development, "redefining the
priorities and hierarchies of values."
2439 Rich nations have a grave moral responsibility toward
those which are unable to ensure the means of their development by themselves
or have been prevented from doing so by tragic historical events. It is a duty
in solidarity and charity; it is also an obligation in justice if the
prosperity of the rich nations has come from resources that have not been paid
for fairly.
2440 Direct aid is an appropriate response to immediate,
extraordinary needs caused by natural catastrophes, epidemics, and the like.
But it does not suffice to repair the grave damage resulting from destitution
or to provide a lasting solution to a country's needs. It is also necessary to
reform international economic and financial institutions so that they will
better promote equitable relationships with less advanced countries. The
efforts of poor countries working for growth and liberation must be supported. This
doctrine must be applied especially in the area of agricultural labor.
Peasants, especially in the Third World, form the overwhelming majority of the
2441 An increased sense of God and increased self-awareness are
fundamental to any full development of human society. This development
multiplies material goods and puts them at the service of the person and his
freedom. It reduces dire poverty and economic exploitation. It makes for growth
in respect for cultural identities and openness to the transcendent.
2442 It is not the role of the Pastors of the Church to
intervene directly in the political structuring and organization of social
life. This task is part of the vocation of the lay faithful, acting on their
own initiative with their fellow citizens. Social action can assume various
concrete forms. It should always have the common good in view and be in
conformity with the message of the Gospel and the teaching of the Church. It is
the role of the laity "to animate temporal realities with Christian commitment,
by which they show that they are witnesses and agents of peace and
Daily Devotions
Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them
in fasting: Today's Fast: Reparations
for offenses and blasphemies against God and the Blessed Virgin Mary
Total Consecration
to St. Joseph Day 6
Manhood of
the Master-week 2 day 2
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
reparations to the Holy Face
· Monday: Litany of
Patricia. 1,000 Places to See Before You Die
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