Filet Mignon Day
Luke, Chapter 23, Verse 40
The other, however, rebuking him,
said in reply, “Have you no FEAR of
God, for you are subject to the same condemnation?
This verse refers to the story of the good thief.
Theophilus of
Alexandria: 'Crucifixion and the Good Thief'[1]
The sun of righteousness appeared in the east and gave light to those who were
in the darkness and in the shadow of death (Lk. 1:79) ...The powerful lion
sprang up out of the wood; all the wild beasts hid in their dens…This, if you
like, is the way of Our Lord Jesus Christ, when he saw the real enemy of the
whole human race, who is the devil. For the devil invaded the whole earth, and
afflicted everyone with many kinds of sins, which he spreads with these great
scourges, namely, idolatry, robbery, vanity, fornication, theft, murder,
slander, licentiousness, envy, hatred, contempt, anger, sorcery, pollution,
fraud, arrogance, perjury, falsehood, corruption, prostitution, deceit and
whatever is similar in them. These are the traps which the devil set for humanity,
until he brought it to perdition and dispersed it. Well now. Let us consider in
what way Christ the king made war against the devil until he released our souls
from him and set them free. Let us begin, then, to penetrate the great treasure
house full of the fruits of life.
· This is the great holy mystery of the wood of the cross, on which the True God, Jesus Christ, mounted out of love. When he descended into this world, he came to the people of Israel and preached to them saying: 'Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.' (Mt. 4:17)
But they paid no heed to his holy counsels.
After this he performed all the signs of his divinity in their presence,
miracles without number. He made the blind see, the lame walk and the deaf
hear. He healed lepers. He brought the dead back to life. He drove out demons.
He made paralytics stand on their feet and forgave their sins. He made tax
gatherers repent. He straightened vainglorious hands. He evangelized the poor.
He remitted the sins of adulteresses and purified them with his divinity,
restoring them to a virginal state. It was because an adulterous woman was made
worthy of this great grace that her hands anointed the feet of him who had
created her. (Lk. 7 37-8) From the moment she participated in the purity of his
divinity, the voice of God came to her. 'Your faith has saved you; go in
peace.' (Lk. 7:50)
In spite of all these things accomplished by him
in their presence, they did not give him credence, but seized him and delivered
him to be crucified. Having brought him into the court of the High Priest, they
treated him with contempt rather than honor. Then the word of scripture was
fulfilled. They brought evils upon me instead of blessings, and hatred instead
of my love.' (Ps. 108:5)
What then
are the evils which the people he created, the people who killed him, did to
him? They are terrible to describe or to hear. My tongue trembles, my eye
weeps, my spirit groans, my soul is distressed to utter them. It is God that
they have seized, the Lord that they have bound. They have pierced with nails
the hands of them who created them. They slapped the face of their Lord. They
beat his head with their fists. They placed a crown of thorns on his head. They
dressed him in a purple cloak. They gave him vinegar and gall. On this day they
did all these things to him. They crucified him with two thieves. One of them,
who was unworthy of the division of his divinity, said to the Lord, deriding
him: 'If you are the Christ, save yourself and us.' (Lk 23:39).
· The other replied rebuking him with indignation: 'Do you not fear God? We are receiving the reward of our sins which we have committed, but this man has done nothing wrong.' And he said, 'Jesus. remember me when you come into your kingdom.' And Jesus said to him with great joy: 'Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.' The gate of Paradise has been closed since the time when Adam transgressed, but I will open it today, and receive you in it. Because you have recognized the nobility of my head on the cross, you who have shared with me in the suffering of the cross will be my companion in the joy of my kingdom. You have glorified me in the presence of carnal men, in the presence of sinners. I will therefore glorify you in the presence of the angels. You were fixed with me on the cross, and you united yourself with me of your own free will. I will therefore love you, and my Father will love you, and the angels will serve you with my holy food. If you used once to be a companion of murderers, behold, I who am the life of all have now made you a companion with me. You used once to walk in the night with the sons of darkness; behold I who am the light of the whole world have now made you walk with me. You used once to take counsel with murderers; behold, I who am the Creator have made you a companion with me. 'All these things I will pardon you because you have confessed my divinity in the presence of those who have denied me. For they saw all the signs which I performed, but did not believe in me. You, then, a rapacious robber, a murderer, a brigand, a swindler, a plunderer have confessed that I am God. That is why I have pardoned your many sins, because you have loved much (Lk. 7:47). I will make you a citizen of Paradise. I will wash your body so that it will not see corruption before I resurrect it with me on the third day and take you up with me. The other who has denied me will see you enveloped in glory, but he will be enveloped in pain and same. He will see you surrounded by light, but he will be surrounded by darkness. He will see you in a state of joy and happiness, but he will be in a state of weeping and groaning. He will see you enjoying ease and benediction, but he will be suffering oppression and malediction. He will see you refreshed by the angels, but he will be troubled by the powers of darkness. And in the midst of intense cold the worm that never rests will consume him. Not only did he not confess me, but after having denied me he reviled me. 'For this reason all will receive according to their works. For as I have already said to them explicitly and in public: Everyone who acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven; but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.' (Mt. 10:32-3).
So now, brethren, what torment the man who denied the Lord brought upon himself? We should therefore watch over ourselves that we should not be led astray, that for the sake of things of this life, we should not be made strangers to him who has created us. Perhaps there is someone today who is denying God for the sake of riches because the love of money closes the eyes of those who are given to it. Such a person takes the part of Judas, He has sold the Lord for thirty pieces of silver. It is therefore good for us to direct our concerns towards the Lord since it is he who takes care of us. Let us now turn to the goal proposed to us by the cross. For the ladder which Jacob contemplated that was fixed to the ground and reached up to heaven on which the angel of the Lord ascended and descended (Gen. 28:12), is Our Lord Jesus Christ raised up on the wood of the cross.
Christians at Rome in Post-Apostolic Times[2]
The Saint of today-St. Hippoytus was a priest and a person of some
importance in the Church in Rome who in his book, “The Apostolic Traditions”, displays
the liturgical life of the Christian at Rome in the first centuries. Of
interest is the tradition of the hours.
Divine Office:
6 a.m. Prime:
"All the faithful, men and women, upon rising in the morning before
beginning work, should wash their hands and pray to God."
9 a.m. Terce: "When you are at home, pray at the third hour and praise God. But if you are away when this hour comes, pray in your heart to God. For at this hour Christ was nailed to the Cross."
12 p.m. Sext: "In a similar way you should pray
again at the sixth hour. For at the time when Christ was nailed to the Cross,
there came a great darkness. Prayer should therefore be said in imitation of
Him who prayed at that hour, viz., Christ before His death."
3 p.m. None: "The ninth hour too should be made
perfect by prayer and praise . . . in that hour Christ was pierced by the
6 p.m. Vespers: "Once more ought you to pray
before you go to bed."
Matins: "At midnight rise from your bed, wash
yourself and pray. If you have a wife, pray together in antiphonal fashion. If
she is not yet of the faith, withdraw and pray alone and return again to your
place. If you are bound by the bond of marriage duties, do not cease your
prayers, for you are not stained thereby. It is necessary that we pray at that
hour (i.e., Matins), for at that hour all creation is resting and praising God.
Stars, trees, water are as if they were standing still; all the hosts of angels
are holding divine services together with the souls of the just. They are
praising almighty God at that hour." What an inspiring passage!
Sunrise-Lauds: "In like manner rise and pray at
the hour at which the cock crows . . . full of hope look forward to the day of
eternal light that will shine upon us eternally after the resurrection from the
dead." Motivation for these "hour prayers" of the early
Christians was the conviction that daily they were reliving Christ's death and
resurrection. Every new day was a day of resurrection, and daily they were
raised with Christ on the Cross. It is an example that should spur us on to
give the Mass, the Breviary, and the Bible the place of honor in our lives.
International Left-Handers Day[3]
Left-Handers Day is a day to bring attention to the struggles which lefties
face daily in a right-handed society. August 13th is observed as
International Left-Handers Day.
Left-Handers Day Facts
of people are left-handed according to a report by Scientific American.
are more likely to be left-handed - 20% of the top scoring SAT takers are
2013, 31% of Major League Baseball pitchers are left-handed.
Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo da Vinci
” When you’re a failure in Hollywood, that’s like starving to
death outside a banquet hall, with smells of Filet Mignon driving you crazy.”
~ Marilyn Monroe
There is a cut of meat that is the very definition of luxury and
decadence, one that falls from the lips of the common people and the rich
debutante royalty of Hollywood in equal measure. Filet Mignon is French for
“dainty fillet” and first found its way into the world in the 1906 book,” The Four Million”. Filet Minion
Day celebrates the history of this steak and the delicious role it has played
in exquisite meals. Tenderloin. The very word implies a rich and succulent meal
that absolutely melts on the tongue, but even in this most perfect cut of meat,
there is a portion that is unquestionably the best. This portion is the fabled
Filet Mignon. This delicious cut is served in 4 to 8oz portions and comes
prepared in one of three varieties, seared in a pan, grilled over coals or the
most famous, wrapped in bacon. The bacon is typically added to enrich the piece
with fat, as Filet Mignon tends to leanness. Even though it comes from the
tenderloin, there are still multiple cuts of Filet Mignon one can choose to
indulge in. The prime cut is the most popular and is available from any form of
cattle, the Angus Cut, however, comes specifically from vegetarian fed beef and
is far and away one of the best forms of beef available. If you’re truly
feeling decadent, you can purchase a 32oz whole Filet Mignon Roast. It may set
you back about $65 a pound (That’s $130) but it’ll be worth every succulent
How to Celebrate
Filet Mignon Day
If you don’t have a talent with cooking, you can head out to
your local steakhouse and enjoy an expertly prepared cut of Filet Mignon. If
you’re feeling more adventurous you can head down to your local butcher and get
an excellent cut of meat that you can prepare yourself! Marinate it in a
wonderful sauce while you get the coals ready, wrap it in bacon, and set it
upon the grill to cook. Gently though! Filet Mignon is best-served medium rare
so that the soft tender nature of the meat will be preserved. This is just the
first step on enjoying Filet Mignon Day, but it doesn’t have to be the last!
Carpetbag Steak[5]
Australia’s carpetbag steak combines two of the country’s most celebrated products: fresh, sea-bright oysters and (ideally) free-range, grass-fed beef. The name of this specialty derives from the shape of the finished dish. Although many recipes call for broiling the steaks or grilling them over charcoal, those methods tend to dry out the meat and prevent its beefy juices from mingling into the oozy lushness of the salty oysters. Better to sauté the steaks for a moistly tender result with maximum flavor contrast. Carpetbag Steaks
equipment: Kitchen string and a trussing needle or small satay-type skewers 4
filet mignon steaks, each about 2 inches thick or 7 to 8 ounces Salt and
freshly ground black pepper 8 medium-size oysters, as freshly shucked as
possible 6 tablespoons (¾ stick) unsalted butter 2 tablespoons finely chopped
fresh flat-leaf parsley 2 to 3 anchovy fillets (optional), finely mashed
1. Using a very
sharp knife with a thin blade, cut a 2-inch-long horizontal slit on the edge of
each steak to make a pocket about 2 inches deep.
2. Sprinkle
salt and pepper onto both sides of each oyster. Slip 2 oysters, side by side,
into the pocket of each steak.
3. Close the
opening of each pocket, either by sewing it shut using kitchen string and a
trussing needle, or by fastening it with a small skewer. Pat the steaks dry on
both sides with paper towels.
4. Heat 3
tablespoons of the butter in a large, heavy skillet, preferably cast-iron or
copper, over moderate heat. When the bubbling subsides, arrange the
oyster-stuffed steaks in the skillet, making sure that they do not touch one
5. Cook the
steaks on one side until lightly browned, 3 to 4 minutes, then turn them over
and lightly brown them on the second side, about 3 to 4 minutes time. Reduce
the heat to low and cook the steaks, turning them frequently, 7 minutes longer
for very rare steak, or 9 to 10 minutes for medium-rare. Anything more cooked
than that will hardly be worth eating. Transfer the steaks to individual
serving plates.
6. Melt the
remaining 3 tablespoons of butter in the skillet and stir in the parsley. Spoon
some of the parsley butter over each steak before serving. If you like the edgy
sophistication that anchovies can impart, stir the mashed fillets into the
parsley butter before spooning it over
the steaks.
Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them
in fasting: Victims
of clergy sexual abuse
· Saturday Litany of the Hours
Invoking the Aid of Mother Mary
in the Home for Preschool: August
Litany of the Most Precious
Blood of Jesus
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
Freedom Ring Day 37
[5] Sheraton, Mimi. 1,000 Foods To Eat
Before You Die: A Food Lover's Life List.
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