Thursday, August 10, 2023
Psalm 112, Verse 7-8
He shall not FEAR an ill report; his
heart is steadfast, trusting the LORD. 8 His heart is tranquil, without fear, till at last he looks down on his
is the blessed state of the righteous. Yes, we are in a battle and yes in our
modern world the news cycles are all in league with the unholy secularized
world. Do not fear the ill reporters or the Facebook fanatics. Remember God
tests those he loves yet during the trial those that are faithful can still
hear the whisper of encouragement.
St. Lawrence[1]
is the patron of cooks-today, have a BBQ in honor of his death for the faith.
This young deacon and
heroic martyr are numbered among those saints who were most highly venerated by
the ancient Roman Church. Even though we have no genuine account of St.
Lawrence's martyrdom, we do possess considerable evidence from most ancient
times regarding the particulars of his passion. Legendary Acts tell how
Lawrence was a disciple of Pope Sixtus II (257-258), who dearly loved him
because of his special talents, but principally because of his innocence; in
spite of his youth, the Pope numbered him among the seven deacons of Rome and raised
him to the position of archdeacon. As such, Lawrence had the immediate care of
the altar and was at the side of the saintly Pope whenever he offered the holy
Sacrifice; to him also was confided the administration of the goods of the
Church and the responsibility of caring for the poor. During the persecution of
Emperor Valerian (253-260), Sixtus II and his four deacons were martyred.
Lawrence was dispersing items in the house of a certain Narcissus, a blind man
named Crescentius asked for healing help by the imposition of hands. The holy
deacon made the Sign of the Cross over him and the man began to see. From his
relations with Pope Sixtus, it was known that he acted as the steward over the
Church's property. He was arrested and while in prison Lawrence cured the blind
Lucillus and several other blind persons. Ordered by the authorities to
surrender the treasures of the Church, Lawrence asked for two days’ time during
which to gather them. The request was granted, and he brought together the poor
and the sick that he had supported. These he led to the judge. "Here are
the treasures of the Church!" Lawrence was tortured, scourged, and
scorched with glowing plates, in other
words, Barbequed alive. In the midst of excruciating pain, he prayed:
"Lord Jesus Christ, God from God, have mercy on Your servant!" And he
besought the grace of faith for the bystanders. At a certain point the soldier
Romanus exclaimed: "I see before you an incomparably beautiful youth.
Hasten and baptize me." He had observed how an angel dried the wounds of
Lawrence with a linen cloth during his passion. Again, during the night, he was
dragged before the judge and threatened with immediate death. But he replied:
"My God I honor and Him alone I serve. Therefore, I do not fear your torments; this night shall
become as brightest day and as light without any darkness." When placed
upon the glowing gridiron, he jested with his executioners and the cruel
tyrant. "Now you may turn me over,
my body is roasted enough on this side." Shortly after this had been
done, he cried again: "At last I am finished; you may now take from me and
eat." Then turning to God in prayer: "I thank You, O Lord, that I am
permitted to enter Your portals." To comfort him during his torments God said
to him: "My servant, do not be afraid.
I am with you." He was put to death upon the Viminal Hill and buried on
the Tiburtinian Way.
of the Catholic Church
I. One Baptism for the
Forgiveness of Sins
977 Our Lord tied the forgiveness
of sins to faith and Baptism: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel
to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved." Baptism
is the first and chief sacrament of forgiveness of sins because it unites us
with Christ, who died for our sins and rose for our justification, so that
"we too might walk in newness of life."
978 "When we made our first
profession of faith while receiving the holy Baptism that cleansed us, the
forgiveness we received then was so full and complete that there remained in us
absolutely nothing left to efface, neither original sin nor offenses committed
by our own will, nor was there left any penalty to suffer in order to expiate
them.... Yet the grace of Baptism delivers no one from all the weakness of
nature. On the contrary, we must still combat the movements of concupiscence
that never cease leading us into evil "
979 In this battle against our
inclination towards evil, who could be brave and watchful enough to escape
every wound of sin? "If the Church has the power to forgive sins, then
Baptism cannot be her only means of using the keys of the Kingdom of heaven
received from Jesus Christ. the Church must be able to forgive all penitents
their offenses, even if they should sin until the last moment of their
980 It is through the sacrament of
Penance that the baptized can be reconciled with God and with the Church:
Penance has rightly been called by
the holy Fathers "a laborious kind of baptism." This sacrament of
Penance is necessary for salvation for those who have fallen after Baptism,
just as Baptism is necessary for salvation for those who have not yet been
Thursday Feast
Thursday is the day of the week that our Lord gave himself
up for consumption. Thursday commemorates the last supper. Some theologians
believe after Sunday Thursday is the holiest day of the week. We should then
try to make this day special by making a visit to the blessed sacrament chapel,
Mass or even stopping by the grave of a loved one. Why not plan to count the
blessing of the week and thank our Lord. Plan a special meal. Be at Peace.
Unite in the work of the Porters of St. Joseph by joining them
in fasting: Restoring
the Constitution
Freedom Ring Day 34 Freedom from Relativism
in the Home for Preschool: August
Litany of the Most Precious
Blood of Jesus
Offering to
the sacred heart of Jesus
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